Hey there i’m just fooling around with the Network system of unity. And yesterday i was working on my laptop and made a connecting and hosting part and it would write my externalIP on the console.
works perfectly builded it connected to the external ip of my laptop.
Now i’m on my work computer and i tried the same project on there though it doesnt seem to work at all it will either return my LocalIP or ‘UNNASIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRES’
Any help is appreciated tnx.
Things i’ve tried on my computer :
Opening port on router and Turning off firewall
Even tough my laptop has its firewall
on and no portforwarded ports on it
How am i connecting / creating network
public void HostServer()
bool useNat = !Network.HavePublicAddress();
Network.InitializeServer(2, 25080, useNat);
void OnServerInitialized()
Debug.Log ("Created on IP:" + Network.player.externalIP + " Port:" + Network.player.externalPort);
public void JoinServer(Text text)
Network.Connect(text.text, 25080);
Debug.Log (text.text);
void OnConnectedToServer()
//Connected to a server