Network Profiler

Hi, I’m getting some issues using UNet where the client is being disconnected (while using Unet matchmaking) after about a minute. I’m not sure if the game might have too much network traffic going on so I took a look at the network profiler but I can’t find any info on what the different stats mean. There’s Packets In, msgs out, etc… but I’m not clear on what the limits are… how many messages are too many? Is there a way to see how much data is being sent/received in kb?

No, currently not.

But I guess the UNET devs are working on this. See here:

Interesting, hopefully that will be added.

I saw somewhere that there is a 4kb limit per second per player for Unet’s online multiplayer service, so I’m wondering how people determine if their game is close to that limit or not?

There are 3rd party tools available to measure network traffic (some examples). But I think they are not that easy to use and I guess results would not exactly match with official unity measures. Personally I cannot say more because I did not had the patience to find out how to properly use such tools. However, I think that some other users in the forum should be more familiar with such kind of tools.

I’ve also suggested that bandwidth consumption metrics should be added to the official unity analytics tools here. Feel free to drop a vote on the feature request if you like.

Ok good idea, voted :slight_smile:

Any idea what the number of packets and other stats that are listed can be used for?