They’ll probably get to the transform interpolation in 5.1.1 or something.
As for other things, I think snap is a threshold at which the object just snaps to the new received position. For example if it’s set to 5, and since the last received position intformation the object moved more than 5 units, it’ll snap to the new position. In case of lag to prevent delayed interpolations I guess, if I’m correct. You know how in some games online players teleport all over the place when its lagging? That would be snapping. While in other games they don’t do that but it takes a while for the interpolated player to reach the actual position.
Network send rate is how many times per second do you send the new transform info. Default is 9, as in every 100ms or so.
The rest is self explanatory I think. But ask if you don’t understand. I just started exploring it like yesterday, and didn’t mess much with multiplayer stuff before UNET so I’m pretty green too.