Hello there, I’ve got a problem with making a teleport witch Network Transform attached to my game object. On local client it looks perfect but on remotes I think interpolation occurs and players snaps couple times into position. Does anyone know how to make it right? Thanks
Hi! On the network transform component there should be a setting called Snap Threshold. According to the docs, this field is the maximum distance the object can be from its next position without snapping it’s position to the target.
I think this exists for situations like what you stated. Bringing that threshold down to fit the typical distance you would be teleporting should fix it for you.
Thank you very much for your reply but I just tried it with different values and still the same result :X
Edit: Is there any smooth way to do it?
Edit 2: I found my mistake I think. I made an Rpc call for every client instead of local one and now it works as I wanted to. Topic can be closed now Thanks and sorry!