NetworkBehaviour's NetworkObject are not initialized when NetworkManager.SceneManager loads a new scene with clients

For context and code snipets: Previously I submitted this question, and ended up finding a bug while trying to fix this issue

So: I have am making a multiplayer scene which has multiple scenes "managed"by the NetworkManager.SceneManager. I was developing this game in 2022.3, but I gravely need now to have it working in WebGL becausethat’s where my target expects the game to be played.

Thus, I decided to Migrate to Unity 6 to have those tasty NetCode updates that made websocket communication a thing for game objects.

Saddly,though, after upgrading I found quite a nasty bug: When the clients join the server, all NetworkBehaviours on that scene are loaded properly and their NetworkObjects initialized. When I do a NetworkManager.SceneManagement.LoadScene(“”) though, on the next scene, only the server’s GameObjects will be initialized, and the client will not be able to interact with it’s network counterparts, resulting in missing Network events and RPC calls.
I need a workaround because my other option would be to buy a Mac to make an apple build and cover all of my audience, which I will do if I have to, but I will be very moody about it. For this reason I pose my question: Is there any workaround to this bug? At first I thought I could work around this by not using a loadig scene I added in the begining, but then I remembered that I have actually 4 scenes and around 10 NetworkBehaviours that all have the same issue since they were not loaded on the first scene, because they belong into posterior scenes.

Now I’ll add some screenshots as evidence for the faulty behaviour:

NetworkObject Inspector values as seen in the editor, notice it has no ID:

Same NetworkObject but on the server, notice it HAS an ID:

Another NetworkBehaviour that works without an issue. It comes from the first scene, and it was properly initialized on the Client:

Another screen shot from the faulty object, but this time it was moved into the FIRST SCENE, Showing that it was loaded perfectly and it’s not the code itself that’s faulty, but the network initialization:

after hours of brousing I found this:

This was indeed the bug I was experiencing. After updating from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0, the issue was no more.