networking additive scenes - way to only render one scene?

This is my first attempt at a multiplayer game so am learning all this as I go. Coincidentally also my first project with new scenemanager so please bear with me.

So here we go, I’m trying to make a multiplayer game where players are able to go into different scenes individually. Things i’ve discovered:

firstly I need to use loadscenemode.additive, otherwise when the host switches server it removes all server owned objects on other clients games. (Unless there is a better way of doing this?)

This then creates the issue that both scenes are now visible for the client that has switched scenes. Then I discovered UnloadScene which made me think I had cracked it when testing in editor… but obviously same problem occurs when the host does this other clients lose all server controlled objects.

So I guess my questions are as follows:

Is there a way to disconnect the hosting player from the server such that if he/she switches scene it has no effect what so ever on the server?

Failing that is there a way to hide the old scene without actually “unloading” it. For example I thought of adding a scene object to a cameras culling mask but I don’t think this is possible… I could wrap all objects in the scene into a scene manager and add ALL objects to the culling mask but this seems filthy and would be a LOT of processing power for such a small effect (as old layers would need to be stored to be reset upon scene re-entry and then each individually re-applied).

Or am I going to have to do the dirty fix of just making scenes be at different coordinates so that they are simply off the screen =/.

Any and all help as always is very much appreciated, thanks in advance!

Ok so after all the research and humming and harring I decided that the best thing to do is not use scenes at all, simply use empty game objects to wrap all objects in the scene and actiave / deactivate them as required. Which…after finally coming to this solution… realized it’s exactly how I handled it in a previous project -_- sighs.