[Networking] Can't get through basic spawning

I shamelessly copied this basic networking code from the manual and I do seem to get a connection going.

public class WNetriumNetwork : NetworkBehaviour {

	public NetworkManager manager;

	public NetworkClient client;

	public short playerNum;
	public bool startup = true;

	void Update () {
		if (startup) {
			if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.S)) {
				startup = false;
				StartServerAndLocal ();
			else if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.C)) {
				startup = false;
				Connect ();

	public void StartServer () {
		NetworkServer.Listen (manager.networkPort);

	public void StartServerAndLocal () {
		StartServer ();
		StartLocalClient ();

    public void StartLocalClient ()
		client = ClientScene.ConnectLocalServer ();
		client.RegisterHandler (MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);  

	public void Connect ()
    	client = new NetworkClient ();
		client.RegisterHandler (MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
		client.Connect (manager.networkAddress, manager.networkPort);

    public void OnConnected (NetworkMessage message) {
		WGame.game.RiderInitNetworked (null, null, this);

RiderInitNetworked (), meanwhile, calls this:

public class WGame : MonoBehaviour {

	public void RiderInitNetworked () {
				sys.rider = Instantiate (rider, startPoint.transform.position, startPoint.transform.rotation);
				NetworkServer.Spawn (sys.rider.gameObject);

…and nothing’s spawned server-side. What’s more, I have a server-side GameObject which doesn’t get re-enabled on play, which has me wonder if this isn’t something to do with client readiness. In addition, I have online and offline scenes set up in the inspector but no scene change.

Solved. Was using the wrong methods. The correct methods are StartServer (), StartHost () and StartClient (), with no need for anything else.