Networking - Unity stuck by pressing play button in editor 2018 2

Hi guys,

Using both photon or unet (with vr) with latest unity versions 2018 series I got a unity stuck by pressing play button (often), without any error or useful messages (yes even in editor logs in …/AppData/Local/Unity/Editor/editorlog.txt)

This is not a simple unity-not-responding, otherwise a process kill would be enough to solve it.
This makes the process from task manager not killable so I have to restart rawly the pc.
I tried all things to kill that process but it ever remains as background process if not under the main-ones.

Any suggestion/help?

Reproducibility with unet or photon:

  1. Enable vr support for your project alt text
  2. Create a code for match creation / joining code
    UNET example like in documentation - Unity - Scripting API: NetworkMatch

code preview in text editor of reply is really better than how it looks here

`public class ConnectionHandler : MonoBehaviour

/// Assign the manager from inspector.

public NetworkManager manager;

    private void Start()

    //call this method to request a match to be created on the server
    public void CreateInternetMatch(string matchName)
        manager.matchMaker.CreateMatch(matchName, 20, true, "", "", "", 0, 0, OnInternetMatchCreate);

    //this method is called when your request for creating a match is returned
    private void OnInternetMatchCreate(bool success, string extendedInfo, MatchInfo matchInfo)
        if (success)
            Debug.Log("Create match succeeded");

            MatchInfo hostInfo = matchInfo;
            NetworkServer.Listen(hostInfo, 9000);
            Debug.LogError("Create match failed: "+extendedInfo);

3) for photon happens the same I just followed their examples demos and docs by only changing the aim of ConnectAndJoinRandom to ConnectAndJoinASpecificRoom .