Hi guys! I have a problem. I want to make the car crashed when it crashed. I have no idea how to do this. I’m just new to unity. Thanks in advance!
I may have errors in English since I live in Ukraine)
You’re going to need a networking solution for a multiplayer game. There’s a number of options including Zapnet, SmartFox, Mirror, Photon, Bolt, etc. Check the documentation as some have an initial cost to purchase the asset, and some limit the number of concurrent users with payment options.
As of this moment, I’d look at Mirror and Zapnet. You will need to be a proficient coder whatever you choose.
If new to Unity you should put your plans for a multiplayer networked game on hold until you have a good grasp of single player. Look at the manual, look at the Learn section, find tutorials on any areas you’re interested in. After you have all that mastered then come back to networked multiplayer.
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