NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.LoadScene --> Not working!

Hi, I’m trying to load a scene as a host in order for other clients to join the same scene as the host. In order to do so, I assign first the host by using this piece of code:

Next, I want to load the next scene not by using the SceneManager but by using the NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager instead since I read in this thread that that way clients can join the very same scene as the host.

To do so, I previously stored the scene as gameScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(1);, and I’m trying this piece of code:
NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.LoadScene(, LoadSceneMode.Single);
however, I’m getting the following error

The scene is in build list. In fact, I can load the scene pretty easily by using the
SceneManager piece of code. Any idea of what could be causing this issue?

apparently is an empty string or null
check whether you actually get a or the correct scene from build index 1

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Thanks for replying. Indeed, when I check the scene with Debug.Log(" " +; the name seems to be null or empty, as nothing shows up on the log box. The way I’m retrieving the scene looks pretty straightforward to me, so I ran out of ideas about why I’m getting a null/empty scene.

Here’s the code I used to retrieve the scene: gameScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(1);, which is the number 2 of the build.
Here’s also a picture of the build with the scenes in it:

Ok, apparently gameScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(1); is not reliable. I used the following code instead:

gameScenePath = SceneUtility.GetScenePathByBuildIndex(1);

string gameSceneName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(gameScenePath);

and now it works. It also works by using the path directly in this manner:
NetworkManager.Singleton.SceneManager.LoadScene(gameScenePath, LoadSceneMode.Single);