NetworkPlayer missing assembly?

OK so I’m trying to get communication up with Hololens. I started out creating a custom UDP server/client where the server used UdpClient and clients (Hololens) used DatagramSocket using the NETFX_CORE preprocessor macro. This worked fine on ALL devices except the magical Hololens (despite being UWP and correct capabilities are set). I then refocused and started implementing a NetworkDiscovery subclass. However it complains about not finding assembly for NetworkPlayer.

I’m getting weary of this. How should I know what works and what doesn’t work? Is this just trial and error?

Does anyone know why this is happening?

Ps. Server is a mobile device and clients are Hololenses

@Unity_Wesley I’m in a bit of a hurry. Maybe you can give me quick answers?

NetworkPlayer is not supported on UWP. You’ll need to use the new networking system.

Yes I figured. But how do I know what is the “new” system and what is the old? I find no clear indication of this in the documents?

I’m told the new one is basically anything in the Networking namespace. So any samples you find that directly have “Networking.” prefix certain types and function calls (or, more likely, just drops a “using UnityEngine.Networking;” at the top of the script) should point you in the right direction.