Hello, it’s my first time posting here. I’m trying out the new networking system and run into a small problem. Since i am still a beginner at Unity scripting, i am not sure how to solve it by myself.
I’m creating a board game, and i want to spawn fields for both players.
Quaternion angle = Quaternion.Euler (270, 0, 0.0f);
GameObject spawned_object = Instantiate(blue_tile_prefab_, position, angle) as GameObject;
spawned_object.name = "TileBlue" + field_blue_counter;
spawned_object.transform.parent = blue_side_.transform;
position += new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.25f);
So this would spawn for the “Host player”, everything correctly with correct name,etc…
While on client, it would have prefab name and (clone) at the end, and wouldn’t get parented. I realize this is because the Spawn function doesn’t remember the GameObject but the prefab. So i guess i need to edit the spawned objects somehow, right?
This is a Command, as:
void CmdFillField()...