public class A : NetworkBehavior {
NetworkVariable someValA = new();
public class B : class A {
NetworkVariable someValB = new();
When the NetworkBehavior Initializes variables, it don’t check the nested classes.
var sortedFields = GetFieldInfoForType(GetType());
for (int i = 0; i < sortedFields.Length; i++)
var fieldType = sortedFields[i].FieldType;
if (fieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(NetworkVariableBase)))
var instance = (NetworkVariableBase)sortedFields[i].GetValue(this);
if (instance == null)
throw new Exception($"{GetType().FullName}.{sortedFields[i].Name} cannot be null. All {nameof(NetworkVariableBase)} instances must be initialized.");
var instanceNameProperty = fieldType.GetProperty(nameof(NetworkVariableBase.Name));
var sanitizedVariableName = sortedFields[i].Name.Replace("<", string.Empty).Replace(">k__BackingField", string.Empty);
instanceNameProperty?.SetValue(instance, sanitizedVariableName);
The “GetType” is getting the reflected fields for just that type. If there’s an inheritance structure, it won’t get the other classes between the Type and NetworkBehavior.
I solved it by making a while loop and iterating up the class hierarchy until the NetworkBehavior class is reached:
var curType = GetType();
while (curType != typeof(NetworkBehaviour))
var sortedFields = GetFieldInfoForType(curType);
for (int i = 0; i < sortedFields.Length; i++)
var fieldType = sortedFields[i].FieldType;
if (fieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(NetworkVariableBase)))
var instance = (NetworkVariableBase)sortedFields[i].GetValue(this);
if (instance == null)
throw new Exception($"{GetType().FullName}.{sortedFields[i].Name} cannot be null. All {nameof(NetworkVariableBase)} instances must be initialized.");
Debug.Log($"InitializeVariables {name} {curType} - {instance}");
var instanceNameProperty = fieldType.GetProperty(nameof(NetworkVariableBase.Name));
var sanitizedVariableName = sortedFields[i].Name.Replace("<", string.Empty).Replace(">k__BackingField", string.Empty);
instanceNameProperty?.SetValue(instance, sanitizedVariableName);
curType = curType.BaseType;