New article: Creating perfectly pixelated games with Unity (2D and 3D)

Hello all!

I have written a new Gamasutra article about creating perfectly pixelated games with Unity (2D and 3D). It is seperated into two parts: 2D and 3D games. I mentioned the techniques used in 64 Pixels of Cute and Forest At Night.


That’s cool. One of the things I wished my current project (which is in 3D) had was a low resolution display. I figure it would just complement the low poly art style and make it all “better”. I wondered if I would need to use some kind of camera shader to do that. I will be sure to check out your article. Thanks for sharing. The 3D scene above looks great!

Considering just buying Retronator or Retro Pixel Pro just to make it easy on myself. :wink:

^ You can always use a RenderTexture to render the camera view to a lower resolution.

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Thank you for letting me know, I wrote my answer there.

You sure? I can’t see it.

Or just force the resolution smaller LOL?

I think it’s Screen.SetResolution(x,y); lol.

You are right, my comment isn’t visible for some reason. I wrote a second answer, this time I have been more helpful.

I couldn’t make it work in editor, it is important to be able to see what your game looks like when you make it.
And the lowest resolution it became is 640x480. Something like 320x200 doesn’t work with SetResolution, I guess.

In GameView, next to Display 1 where the resolution area is at, click on the resolution and click the + symbol and put in the resolution you want :stuck_out_tongue: That’s at least for the Editor Game View.

I know it. But the game looks too small (like 64x64) then, especially because I use full HD monitor. I want the screen to be big, but still pixelated.

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