New Asset Store Layout feels like a downgrade.

As someone who for the last 3 years browses the asset store almost daily to see new offerings, I have some feedback. I might be having a senior “RAH CHANGE BAD” moment, but the new layout feels like a legitimate downgrade in every single way. Firefox seems to give me the old page, but OperaGX gives me this if I go to the current $35 sale page. Bonus, more things are for sale on Firefox than OperaGX because the new layout does the Amazon thing of inserting random items that have nothing to do with your search into the search results! I just hope more polish is intended.

Expected look-

New and improved page?


Similar feelings here.
Tons of wasted space, and the categories on the left feel off; since it’s not drop-downs, it’s a usability downgrade.
Asset rating was handy and that’s way less visible now - though this one can get used to.
Filters and sorting are way less visible now, and to top it off instead of 4 in a row or more we’re limited to 3 assets per row.
Browsing this might be better on a mobile device but on a desktop…?
I find it hard to imagine most of your users browse and purchase assets on a mobile device. We’re developing on actual monitors and not an iPhone and I’m pretty sure that’s the device type most purchases are made from.
I know Unity’s obsessed with mobile crap, but this is one of those things that feel like they’re just doing it for the sake of doing something. If it wasn’t broken why fix it?

At least return the drop-downs, hide-purchased button, and let us adjust rows to not waste time clicking through pages.
Some of us collect assets as a hobby and have a few hundred, not 3 or 4 purchases.


It has been this way for years now, making everything bloated, harder to read, taking vastly more space than it should.

It is the easy to read on mobile effect i suppose and there is no going back unfortunately.

I always try to use the previous versions of anything when possible :), in publisher page also the old portal in some sections is so vastly easier to read and interact with that i keep the old page always active as well

There’s barely any improvement to the current iteration. It’s just worse, other than being “new and shiny”.

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New layout is so bad.

I can get used to filter settings on top… but here’s some features I think it’s missing in new layout:

  • Bring 4 row and 96 result per page back
  • Sub-categories should be expendable without the need to go through several pages.
  • Purchased assets are harder to identify
  • Unable to check if an asset has been added to Saved Assets list in search page

It should be rolled back immediately imo, there is no reason to make the store so much worse.


I was literally depressed when the browser loaded the new store " look " . AT first I thought it was my browser , as some are not showing the assets right in searches OR you can not press the buy or load button on some browsers… but no :frowning:

Stuff is harder to find… to much empty space… it looks like advertising anything except what you want, when the searches are ignored by unity… This just happened this morning to me… or was it yesterday … umm anyway, I see a lot screaming over this. please have four or 5 rows of assets and 96 per page … UNITY … make it easier, not harder to use the store.

Honestly, all i can say is… I am glad I been in Unity for so long… I have most all I need and I would hate looking at this asset store if I was just starting out. I mean I hate sounding like " Dad voice " but why can’t Unity more like UE market place ? what is wrong with having a FULL web page of Assets to look at IF* you are looking at Assets!

If the point is to try and keep people on those pages longer… , not gona happen, and if people think that is what is being done to them… might result in less sales… Make it to easier, to find and buy assets on the store… not like a goggle search, where the first and most results " cost the most and are the lest relevant to your search.

" Sorry, Grumpy old man day " if its to far I will delete or modify this post.:slight_smile:


I just have to let you know that the new layout is awful. As someone who frequently uses the asset store, I am extremely disappointed in these abrupt changes.

These changes were, in part, responsible for the loss of a sale, since I was planning on purchase an asset at the end of its new release sale and lost track of it due to the way you reconfigured filtering.

The problems that I can think of, off the top of my head, are:

  • to get to assets whose new release sale is expiring, I have to manually click through like 12 pages instead of about 4 which were all easily accessible from the first page using 96 per page filtering. If you mess up and click the asset instead of opening it in a new window, you’re back to manually clicking through 12 pages again to get back to where you were browsing.

  • there’s no longer a preview option available when clicking on the image of an asset, which leads to the frustrating scenario described above a lot more often.

  • asset update notifications don’t appear when you’re browsing for assets, and there’s no way to view them without navigating to a different page (you can no longer click on your account icon at the top right to select notifications, which is inconsistent with the behavior you get once you navigate away from the asset browsing page).

  • it changes to light mode, which is infuriating given that to browse assets.

  • the “Purchased” overlay letting you know you have already purchased the asset is no longer easily identifiable. Before I believe it was grayed out or something; now there’s no visual contrast and a purchased asset just blends in with the rest of the assets.

The only possible benefit I’ve seen is faster load times. But this is pretty useless if, once loaded, it takes forever to explore and navigate to what you want and, overall, does not provide a more pleasurable experience.

Please go back to the old version until you solve these UX issues. And please, consult with people who actually use the asset store on a regular basis before making (seemingly arbitrary) changes like this.


Totally agree, a revert should be immediate, this new style is not thought out at all.

Even just for those large spaces should be reconsidered fully imo


Another issue is that I literally cannot use the top menu bar to navigate. Moving the mouse toward the desired subcategory (like Animations/Characters) results in the entire submenu disappearing. Incredibly painful.

A temporary fix is achieved by clearing your cache, but that signs you out of the Unity website (and all other websites), and also the problem returns before long.

Is there an visibility at Unity on this issue?


I was actually not sure if this was intended or not, which is why I checked if anyone made a forum post (I also found a post on reddit).

I thought this was just a bug tbh, because not only is the “new layout” quite terrible, it’s also inconsistent with the rest. I have the normal layout on specific asset pages and on the main page as well as when clicking on categories when searching. but any search in which I use the search box or the current sales shows me this new layout. It also disables dark mode and gives me less options (like how many items to display).

At least give me back my dark mode :c


I wonder if this is only for some regions or an A/B test, as for example when i log in i see the old store.

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New layout is horrible. Who designs this stuff?


This bloated design is just the trend last few years, make everything huge even to take up a whole screen with 2-3 icons, this is because of mobile needs that very small icons are a problem.

But clearly desktops should never have the same design as for mobiles. It just makes no sense whatsoever.


Works just fine on Safari :slight_smile:



I agree that could be the reason ( asset store on the phone ) " as the " reason " … But who ever said earlier in this thread … we do not Use Unity on the phone to develop games,… we use something that has a much bigger screen. I can’t see why anyone would want to buy assets on the phone… it does not make logical sense… if that is the claimed reason.


Indeed, i just try to find a logical explanation why would create such huge and separated by vast gaps icons :slight_smile:

Making browsing the store a massive pain or impossible.

I think i recall they had tried before to implement a new store look that was similar and was scrapped, years ago, if remember correctly.

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Same as the forum …

Dark mode doesn’t work properly any more either. Is this really the “new” Asset Store layout? To me this looks like they accidentally redeployed one of the really old interfaces from many years ago.


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