I have a live version of my game using Addressables and CCD. It’s working.
I’m generating a new build for the QA team to test through Google Play’s Internal Testing. I don’t know what I did wrong here but on this version Addressables don’t work. It shows me the list of items to download (via Addressables.LoadResourceLocationsAsync(label)) but the download size is always 0 (via Addressables.GetDownloadSizeAsync(IList<>)). This is the same thing I’m doing on the live version.
I want to generate a new Android build poiting out to the same release on CCD as the live version. How can I make this?
Thanks in advance.
Update: I tried to build again my addressables without uploading it to CCD. Now the download size is the correct value but when it tried to download I have an error:
UnityWebRequest result : HTTP/1.1.404 Not Found```
So I think I screwed eveything up right now. How can I roll back to point to the CCD content? If I upload this generated assets I would broke the live version so it's not an option.
Update2: Maybe the way is to work with the "Latest" badge and change the path. I'll not update CCD content anymore anyway so Latest badge is fine for me. Unfortunately I could not make that work as well. I tried making a new android build without building new content but it was still searching by entry and not by badge. After I built new content (without uploading it to CCD) but no success as well. Here is the new error:
```RemoteProviderException : Unable to load asset bundle from : https://89b6a3a9-1704-40b9-bed0-cd9467732859.client-api.unity3dusercontent.com/client_api/v1/buckets/0c2f1da2-4bb5-4ff3-8516-d1383b6c4f4c/release_by_badge/latest/entry_by_path/content/?path=/halloween_assets_all_ce547577a27c2f14fd575ae163e290e5.bundle
UnityWebRequest result : HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
ResponseCode : 404, Method : GET
url : https://89b6a3a9-1704-40b9-bed0-cd9467732859.client-api.unity3dusercontent.com/client_api/v1/buckets/0c2f1da2-4bb5-4ff3-8516-d1383b6c4f4c/release_by_badge/latest/entry_by_path/content/?path=/halloween_assets_all_ce547577a27c2f14fd575ae163e290e5.bundle
I can't go any further. Any help would be appreciated