Big news about the new Cinemachine v1.5 + strategy
We have made A LOT of improvements and changes since January 1, 2017
After some testing by you fine folks, we will be updating the free version on the Asset Store with a new v1.5 version.
Cinemachine v1.5 +Timeline +postFX integration (.unitypackage) [beta]
It is almost completely good news with one exception: Previous versions of CM, like the one on the asset store, is not compatible with this new v1.5. You’ll have to make new v1.5 cameras and reinstall. It looks like deleting your existing Cinemachine folder then installing this new one is the cleanest method.
We cannot confirm backwards compatibility with this beta or even in between beta updates
We really wish that the new version could play nice with the old but it wasn’t possible for a few reasons which we could not get around.
The priority system had to change to match other Unity priority systems (postFX) where bigger numbers are higher priority. We also further componentized the CM architecture to be ‘future proof’ so we never have to break previous versions again.
Originally CM was an external system. Now that it’s a part of Unity some substantial changes - and improvements! - had to be done in order to make it ‘the Unity way’.
That said, there’s an incredible amount of improvement and we can’t wait to see what you do with this new far more powerful CM.
Here’s the list of updates. There is so much good stuff!
We are no longer going to have ‘Base Rig’ and ‘Game Rig’, it will just be ‘Cinemachine’ with all the components as we test and move them over. So far we have moved FreeLook, Collider and Cloud over to the new Cinemachine v1.5
Removed CM “Autogen” singleton which gets created. Now, a component on the main camera called ‘Cinemachine Brain’ gets added when you initialize CM
Each Unity camera in the scene can have its own brain, to which vcams connect.
Brains can cull vcams based on layer. This allows support for split screens!
Various editor refresh issues have been fixed.
Removed confusing “Auto-add to priority queue” checkbox.
Removed confusing duplicate “offset” animatable fields. All fields are now animatable.
Timeline integration - any vcam can appear on a timeline, and all vcam properties can be animated. No asset files to manage.
Multiple timeline tracks are supported: higher-priority tracks override lower-priority ones. Inter-track blending and blending with non-timeline cameras is supported: smoothly blend between game and cut-scenes.
No asset files to manage for composer and transposer. ‘It just works’
Changes made to vcams during play mode are propagated to the scene when play mode is exited.
Can change the priority of an active vcam.
Simplified and streamlined vcam UI, with Aim/Body/Noise sections. Lens to come.
Extensible vcam component pipeline architecture, with the possibility of user-creatable options in the various sections. This includes inspector UI that will self-discover user-authored pipeline components.
Vcams children can be wholly-owned by other vcams, giving the ability to craft complex camera behaviours, which are exposed to the brain as a single vcam. SDC, Cloud, and FreeLook are examples of this.
Collider is now part of standard Cinemachine.
Added concepts of ReferenceUp and ReferenceLookAt to camera state.
Implemented agnostic camera blending. Cameras can be blended without specific high-level knowledge of composer settings.
Refactored composer logic - now it can handle gimbal-lock situations gracefully.
Component copy/paste/reset and Undo are all handled gracefully.
New OrbitalTransposer option for vcam body. Use it to make a follow cam.
HardConstraint option available for both Body and Aim.
Blender can blend orientations gracefully, even when LookAt target changes.
Blends can be nested (i.e. blend the result of a blend). This can come up when there are multiple timeline tracks.
More than 2 cameras can be blended.
FreeLook is now part of standard Cinemachine.
FreeLook can have independent LookAt, Follow, and Lens settings for the 3 rigs.
FreeLook: smoother transition between top and bottom segments.
FreeLook: Velocity and PositionDelta options are working.
New StateDrivenCamera. Drive vcams by mapping them to animation states. This is a major feature.
New UI for blend curves: set the time, and choose from the preset curve shapes.
Draggable composer screen guides.
Composer screen guides are grey if looking at an inactive camera.
Added current camera and blend display in brain inspector.
Added efficient onscreen in-game display of current camera and blends. No need for fullblown debugger.
Added camera status display (active/inactive) in vcam inspector.
Added Solo button to vcam inspector, which forces the camera to become active while its inspector is up. Indispensable for tuning.
Priority meaning is inverted (higher number means higher priority) to be consistent with the rest of Unity.
Plays nicely with PostProcessing module. Resets TAA etc when camera cuts.
Each vcam can have its own postprocessing effects settings.
Brain invokes Camera Cut and Camera Activated events, to which anyone can listen.
Camera state includes ShotQuality assessment (WIP) this is for a very interesting upcoming feature…
Collider lowers the ShotQuality if it had to move the vcam, or if an obstacle is blocking view of the LookAt target
Cloud is now part of standard Cinemachine. Chooses vcam child based on ShotQuality.
Cloud has been re-implemented using the SDC model.
Cloud refresh problems have been fixed.
Added ActivateAfter and MinDuration settings to cloud, to reduce hysteresis.
Cloud manages its own blend environment (same as StateDrivenCamera).
Cinemachine TODO
User Manual is outdated and is being updated
Code documentation
Repackage and put on github - opensource, like PostProcessing
Test builds on all platforms
Test in split-screen environment.
Better UI for Noise module
SaveDuringPlay: add ability to save non-transform references (e.g. SDC mappings)
Brain needs to check for deleted vcams (edge cases in editor)
Improved collider filter, to help reduce jitter
Vcam damping
Reactor or Andre’s Blackboard/Tags/Query concept
Composer II - center/size interface, rounded corners? Allow hard guides to be offscreen
Ability to target a group of objects, keeping all in frame
Ability to specify the size of a target (keep it all in frame, not just a point)
Smart camera navigation
More sophisticated shot-quality assessment
E-sports console… (this is very exciting…)