New Cinemachine v1.5

I feel this needs to be on a t-shirt !


Please let us know when GITHUB repository is up. Thank you.


Could you provide some kind of example on how to do split screen?

I was very excited with this new version, because the released one is amazing, but I can’t get it working.
I work on unity 5.5.1f1, so I removed the timeline and postFX parts, but still, scripts won’t load. I get a bunch of :
“FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘Cinemachine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies.”

Where am I wrong ?

see: New Cinemachine v1.5 - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

As I mentioned, I removed postFX and Timeline scripts to correct all the errors related to those parts. But the error I’m talking about is not related to them and doesn’t refer to any file in particular.

Sorry, I missed that in your last post. Not sure on the cause of your issue.

No problem. Thx for trying :wink:

Same error as @dba999 here, using 5.5.2f1.

Not wrong. The package was made with a newer version of Unity.
To use in a pre-5.6 version of Unity, adjust the Cinemachine DLL import settings, as shown here:


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:smile: many thanks Gregoryl. I had no idea that dll could have import settings. Good to know :slight_smile: Everything seems ok now.

It’s me again (sorry :sweat_smile: )

Using the documentation I managed to access internal settings of previous cinemachine 1.1
This new version seems wonderfull but now I have no idea how to do the same.

For instance this is how I used to change a target and change offset settings in runtime :

import Cinemachine;

private var CMS :CinemachineVirtualCamera;


CMS = Camera.main.GetComponent.<CinemachineVirtualCamera>();

CMS.CameraComposerTarget = selectedObject.transform;

CMS.CameraTransposerTarget = selectedObject.transform;

CMS.TransposerTrackingOffset.y = 12;

Etc ...

Now Unity won’t even let me access the CinemachineVirtualCamera component attached to the camera. :frowning:

Is there a new way to do the same (access the Look At and the Follow target ) or is it now forbidden ?

@vamky We have designed CM v1.5 to do split-screen but haven’t yet tested it very much.

You’d make two regular Unity cameras and set them to just draw on each side of the screen for each and then add a unique Cinemachine Brain for each one. Think of the Unity camera more as a render target - drawing just a subregion of the screen. Each unique brain on those cameras will allow you to do separate cameras for each side. It works in theory but we haven’t put any time towards it just yet.

As soon as I get to that round of testing I’ll let you know. It’s a brand-new set of capabilities so I would expect some issues, some of them outside of Cinemachine and more to do with how Unity handles multiple cameras - I know shadows will be a problem. We will get to addressing that stuff shortly.

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Hey guys! First of all, thank you for the awesome system! We’ve just started to scratch it’s surface…
I have some issues with gameplay/follow cameras:

  1. I made some reference transforms with the vcam components, and change thru them by script, enabling and disabling the game objects. Working fine, but some times when I get back to a previous position, it’s way far from intended position (they should be fixed, child inside player prefab). Am I doing something wrong?
  2. Tried freelook, but when enabled, BOOM! Game object goes far far away, like 100 meters. Also having this when I try Orbital Transpose with non-freelook script. Not necessary to my case, but might be useful for someone…
    And again, thank you!!

@dba999 Yes everything has changed, but what you want is not forbidden :slight_smile:
We have not yet updated the user documentation (sorry about that) but it’s coming soon.
You can just do a GetComponent, as before.
LookAt and Follow are now simple fields in the CinemachineVirtualCamera class, named m_LookAt and m_Follow. They are public.
Access to Composer and Transposer is a little more complex, as the system now has a flexible pipeline architecture. We will add convenience methods for this soon. In the meantime, you can instance prefabs, and access their components via CinemachineVirtualCamera.GetComponentPipeline().

Can you post the code that’s giving you trouble?

Thank you very much Gregoryl for your help.
Sadly unity 5.5.1f1 doesn’t accept anymore CinemachineVirtualCamera as a valid type.
This is what I get :

BCE0018: The name 'CinemachineVirtualCamera' does not denote a valid type ('not found'). Did you mean 'Cinemachine.Assets.CinemachineBlenderSettings'?

Do I miss something ?

Hi Gregory. Already did that, doesn’t work.
I am on Android target, maybe you didn’t test on Android?

Nope, it’s not Android. Created a new project with Windows target, same error.
Using 5.5.2f1

No, you didn’t miss anything, I did. On the released beta version, many things are indeed marked internal. I’m working off a newer version, where many more things are public. Thanks for bringing this up! You’ll get access to the newer version soon.

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Just tried it with 5.5.0f3. You have to uncheck the “exclude platforms” checkboxes, as follows:

2991652--222776--2017-03-13 08_02_40-Cinemachine - Microsoft Visual Studio.png

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