New Cinemachine v1.5

Ok, then. Cinemachine deserves our patience ! :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I never noticed it was saying “exclude platform” when you click on “Any platform” checkbox. It wasn’t like this in previous versions. It works now,thanks.

Hi Gregoryl!
1)I just have stuff like

if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2"))
if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire2"))

Nothing fancy. But if I go back to this cam (or other 2 that I have) on a later time, it’s offset, and each time I go into them again, they go farther. Thought it was the collider, but turned off and didn’t change a thing.
2)Tried resetting everything, and stopped it from going so far, but i need a setting like “Local Space Locked to Target”, but Orbital Transposer of Free Look doesn’t allow me. Will keep standard vcam with my own script on top for now…

We never see any problems like the ones you describe. I suspect it’s got something to do with the way you set up your vcams. I can’t get a sense of it from the lines you sent. Could you post a small sample project that illustrates the problem?

Sure, I’ll do it asap

Hello everyone!

Is there any way that Cinemachine will get (or if is there anyway to implement it myself) this camera “free” kinda editor mode?


It would really help people who want to take amazing screenshots in-build for their media stuff etc.

Thank you, Jacob.

I am aware that it’s written in the FAQ that GameRig will be released soon, but for
a current Project it would be really helpful if there would be a rough estimate for the release date of v1.5
(nothing obligatory of Course), or if it is recommended to use the 1.5 beta and then migrate to the stable
1.5 later? (it’s a big project)

Thanks a lot!

  1. GameRig: Good News! There has been a change of plans since the FAQ was written. GameRig is gradually being absorbed into BaseRig. Instead of having a separate Cinemachine Base and a GameRig extention, there will only be one Cinemachine, with full functionality and user extensibility. As of this week, FreeLook, Collider, and Cloud have been imported into Cinemachine 1.5, and are available for use. Only Reactor remains, and we are actively working on having that become available this spring.
  2. Not-so-good news. The API is expected to change once again after the 1.5 beta, and back-compatibility is unlikely. You will likely need to rebuild your cameras manually when the stable version is released this spring.

Free Camera - yes, that’s a fine bit of functionality. I built the NFS free camera a while back and know what you’re looking for.

Let me make one again in Cinemachine and I’ll share the rig with you. In short, it’s doable but it might need a little bit of code to handle the controller properly.

Stay tuned


Hey folks! Just managed to resolve my issue. The point is: when follow is used, I can’t add the “self” transform to it. Explaining: I had my vcam scripts attached to not-so-empty GOs, and on the position I wanted the cameras to be. So on Follow transform, I referenced itself. But no! This way, sometimes when activating/deactivating/activating again the GO, it would change position or holding it entirely. Now I have Follow working by creating a really empty GO, keeping my vcam GO still and attaching the new one to Follow. Works like magic!
Hope it helps somebody! :wink:

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Hi everyone,

Cinemachine has been opened up the scripting API a whole bunch so you can now run almost everything via script. Bam!

There’s an example scene in there, have a look and let us know what you think.


Good news: There’s a new version of Cinemachine available for download that has a scripting API. Behaviours and components are no longer internal, and there is an API for adding/removing/accessing Cinemachine components by script (the things that are in the “Aim”, “Body”, and “Noise” categories). A simple “Scripting” example scene is included which should tell you enough to get you going. Feedback and comments welcome.

You can find it here:

Ahhh. I see Adam already said all that in the post just before. Sorry for the spam, and where’s the coffee?

So I’ve not been following for a while now, but it seems that Base Rig and Game Rig are gone in favour of a more unified Cinemachine, along with a scripting API now? Is this correct?

Yes that’s correct.

Holy toledo ! The API is here ! So many thanks guys, this is a huge gift !
Now, in minutes I got access to the m_LookAt & m_Follow so easily. (and I’m not a great coder)
I even managed to use the m_HeightOffset of the Orbital Transposer by using a CinemachineVirtualCamera.GetComponentPipeline() as you suggested. This is amazing.

By the way, I’m in love with this orbital transposer <3 The Recenter to target heading is just perfect.
Thank you again team.

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Thanks for the positive feedback!

One thing, though: GetComponentPipeline() is no longer the recommended way to access the components. I would instead use GetCinemachineComponent<>(). In the case of the OrbitalTransposer, it would look something like this:

var transposer = vcam.GetCinemachineComponent();
if (transposer != null)
bla bla bla

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Perfect ! I suspected something like that, much more clean.
This thread is like Christmas for me ^^

Sorry if it’s explained somewhere and I didn’t pay attention, but I’d like to know what other parameters could be set instead of the Mouse X or Mouse Y which are, if I’m correct, input axis names, in the Freelook script or even in the transposer component.
Let’s say I would like to use mobile touch commands instead, how would I proceed ?

check out this post:

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