This post is now deprecated. We have removed the Analysis Point system.
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Hello Unity Analytics users!
Here’s an overview of how Analytics Points work.
Please note that we will never charge you if you exceed your Analysis Points allocation, though certain events may not be tracked. But fear not - you can always manage your Analysis Points via the Event Manager.
Let’s break this down with a few examples:
Example 1: Custom Events with No Parameters
For Custom Events with No Parameters, the cost for each Custom Event = 1 Analysis Point
Custom Event with No Parameters = 1 Analysis Point
Custom Event with No Parameters = 1 Analysis Point
Custom Event with No Parameters = 1 Analysis Point
Total of 3 Points
1000 - 3 = 997
I have 997 points left.
Example 2: Custom Events with Numeric Parameters Only
For Custom Events with Numeric Parameters only, the total Analysis Point cost is equal to the number of Numeric Parameters + 1 for the event itself.
Let’s build out our example below (assuming all parameters are numeric only):
Custom Event with 1 Numeric Parameter = 2 Analysis Point
Custom Event with 2 Numeric Parameters = 3 Analysis Points
Custom Event with 3 Numeric Parameters = 4 Analysis Points
Total of 9 Points
1000 - 9 = 991
I have 991 points left.
Example 3: Custom Events with Numeric and Non-Numeric Parameters
Now this is where things get a bit tricky. Non-Numeric Parameters (strings and booleans) cost more Analysis Points than Numeric Parameters. Non-Numeric Parameters cost more because we need to run individual calculations on these in order to show you how they break down. The cost of Non-Numeric parameters is equal to the possible values they can assume.
Here are a few more examples:
coins (numerical)
levelname (string) > For levelname, let’s assume there are 10 possible values.
Custom Event = 1 Analysis Point
coins: 1 Numeric Parameter = 1 Analysis Point
levelname: 1 String Parameter (with 10 possible values) = 10 Analysis Points
Custom Event with 1 Numeric Parameter and 1 String Parameter = 12 Analysis Points
hitpoints (numerical)
coins (numerical)
levelname (string) > For levelname, let’s assume there are 10 possible values.
Custom Event = 1 Analysis Point
hitpoints: 1 Numeric Parameter = 1 Analysis Point
coins: 1 Numeric Parameter = 1 Analysis Point
levelname: 1 String Parameter (with 10 possible values) = 10 Analysis Points
Custom Event with 2 Numeric Parameters and 1 String Parameter = 13 Analysis Points
name (string) > For name, let’s assume there are 100 possible values.
cost (numerical)
on_sale (boolean) > on_sale is a boolean (i.e., True or False), so it can take at most 2 possible values.
Custom Event = 1 Analysis Point
name: 1 String Parameter (with 100 possible values) = 100 Analysis Points
cost: 1 Numeric Parameter = 1 Analysis Point
on_sale: 1 Boolean Parameter (with 2 possible values) = 2 Analysis Points
Custom Event with 1 String Parameter, 1 Numeric Parameter, and 1 Boolean Parameter = 104 Analysis Points
Total of 129 Points
1000 - 129 = 871
I have 871 points left.
As you can see, it’s very important to keep track of your Analysis Points and not let any part of the equation get out of control. You can track your usage through the Event Manager tab.
Some recommendations:
- Use numbers when possible
- Spend your points wisely! Don’t send parameters you don’t need.
- Avoid sending highly variable (string) parameter values. For example, a user or device ID is probably a pretty useless thing to include, and will cost a lot of points.
- Think about how you want to analyze your data as you structure your events and parameters.
Hope that helps explain things! Feel free to ask clarifying questions below, we’re here for you guys so feedback is always welcome and appreciated