New Custom Event Limits - Please Read

I’m wondering about the 100 custom events per hour limit. Many games have short levels but can be very addicting causing the player to play for long session lengths. In these games calling a “startLevel” event and “endLevel” event could happen within 30 - 60 seconds, maybe less. If the player plays for an hour or more the total custom event calls in that hour would be in the range of 120 - 240, considering that each time a level is played 2 custom events are called.

So very quickly you’ve run out of custom events you can call in your game and you only have 2. Doesn’t leave room for much else. Any recommendations?

You could combine the startLevel and endLevel event into just “endLevel” event, and put more parameters into the endLevel event.

I’m excited that finally you have released string and boolean values for custom events! I have usually ‘tricked’ this by making all possible parameters to numeric and send the value as 1 each time the event happens.

Anyway, I really like that you give us count, sum, and average for numeric values. Is there a way that we can know the median and quartiles? Given that numerical values can be so skewed, average can give us the wrong impression of what really happens.

@kentunity this is my current solution. The endLevel event has all the important data, but not having a startLevel event prevents you from being able to tell if a player has started a level and left without completing. I’m tracking if they leave via an in game menu but not if they close out the app. The most important data lost in not having a startLevel event is data about when players stop playing your game. Obviously players are going to stop playing in many areas, but if they stop because they don’t like the level we may never know.

Unfortunately even with limiting it to just an endLevel event there is the potential to go over the hourly limit with these short 30 - 60 second levels, especially considering the game has multiple other custom events. We don’t have heavy tutorials in the current game we’re developing but we’ve have had them before and we tracked tutorial start and complete events. That game would have hit the hourly event limit pretty quickly.

In the future it would be great to have a way to increase the hourly event limit.

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Hi @kenli_touchten - Thanks for the feedback on our new custom event visualization. I’ll add your request for median and quartiles to our list.

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What we are doing for exceptions is capturing a custom event passing; and that’s just a rough idea can probably trim that down a bit

  • Message = this is not the exception message rather a short custom string pointing us at where in the code e.g. ‘someFunction: doing something hard’ or something similar
  • Fatal = True/False and indicates rather or not the game will go face down bits up over this message :slight_smile:
  • Type = The class type of the exception caught if any otherwise we report unknown
  • version = The build version

I read through this and my head nearly exploded. So convoluted and ridiculous.

Hey @Saxi ,

Could you elaborate as to what specifically is confusing or where we could do a better job explaining Analysis Points? We’re always looking for feedback, and the last thing we want to do is make something more complicated than it needs to be (and that goes against one of our core tenets: making analytics accessible and easy to understand!).

Please know that we are planning on making improvements to the Analysis Points system, like being to able easily select/deselect custom events and parameters you no longer care about. Suggestions are always welcome :slight_smile:

I read through it, and I understand how it works. It is just overly complex.
You pretty much gave everything from Pro users and gave it to free users, just make analytics a pro service only which free users can pay monthly for if they want it and be done with it.

The point system is like nothing anyone does (sort of like how you did UnityAds requiring people to submit invoices to get paid) and just needless complexity.

Hi Saxi,

Our service is in beta so we will be iterating on how we describe the offering. Definitely a fair assessment that this first proposal is complex. The intent was to provide transparency into our limitations and we’ll work on a simpler approach.

While there are Pro specific features in the works, we are absolutely committed to providing a tier of free service that all users can access. As such, we may have to make trade-offs and acknowledge the service will not always be the best fit for everyone.


I may have missed it in the thread, but what happens when the limit is reached?
Events that are already accounted for will still be recorded, but any new ones will be lost?
Will we be able to reset somehow or what will happen?

it’s per project, but 1000 points for per user per project or just for per project ?

Hey @monark - once you reach the 1,000 Analysis Points limit, additional events will not be processed. We are working on a feature to allow you to blacklist custom events that you no longer want Unity Analytics to process (so they won’t count towards your 1000 Analysis Points limit). We’ll make sure to post in the forums once that feature is ready.

Hi @PAHeartBeat - the 1,000 Analysis points is per project.

I would like to add to the desire for more custom events per hour. I’m building a childrens app and want to know how many times they click on various objects in the world to better determine what objects appeal to them. 100 clicks will go pretty fast especially if I track anything else.

Sounds a bit excessive and special use case. I would personally collect such data to some local cache and then send something like top 20 and bottom 10 once a day.

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Just to be clear, once someone runs out of Analysis Points they’ll most likely have to pay to get more?

Hi @Ryceratops !

We are still finalizing the strategy for Analysis Points. However, during the beta, if you are close to hitting your Analysis Points limit, please reach out to us by filing a support ticket and we’ll work with you :slight_smile:

Hi! If I have a game with 100k dau on facebook (webplayer) - will I be able to use analytics for free? Thanks.

Does analytics support webgl platform already? Thanks!

Hi @slava_pankratov ,

Unity Analytics is free during the open beta, however we currently don’t have support for WebGL. We’ll make sure to post if we decide to extend platform support.


Hi Angelo,

Thanks for your kind reply

I still has small confusion. The 1,000 Analysis points per project got that point, As other post of unity, Analytics update on batch and every batch runs on 4 / 8 hour duration. So my confusiton is about 1,000 points are

  1. Per Batch (which take place and update data after interval of few hours)
  2. Per Day (duration of 24 hour)
  3. Per Calander day

We have impliments Unity Analytics v 1.9.3 date 5th Jun 2015 on our game which has near about 200,000 active user on Google Play Store.

I have few questions also.

  1. May be I asked it before this or not, I don’t remamber. When we test game on Unity Editor with analytics, thats events and session are records in final data or not ?

If Yes, than it’s should be bad condition for us.
If No, than it’s sounds good.

  1. I goes thoruhg the fourm link, regardng that, what basic information and events Unity gather by default, like Device info, OS, Device manfucture.

  2. How it counts a day (it’s silly question its will be calander day) but my qeustion about what about differant time zones (like GMT 15:00 Friday would be 01:00 Saturday in Japan Tokoyo) So how Unity will manage it to dispaly data on dashboard?