New "feature" to phone home on builds is enabled by default

I just notice that in 5.0Beta20 there is a new option in player settings, Other settings.

Disable Analytics (Pro Only)

It’s OFF by default. I take that to mean that you are defaulting all builds to automatically phone home data. I like many people do not want my apps to phone home. While I do have pro an can disable it I don’t like the idea of having it on by default for each new project.

Could this be changed for pro to default to OFF? I can understand you wanting to force people using free, but for pro users?


Same kind of thing is in 4.x and enabled by default (submit hw stats) so nothing new here?

Yes I noticed this also (HW Stats) is on by default, not many people know what it does, phones home - so no one bothers to disable it.
But what is done with this data? this is what bothers me more, what exactly is being collected?

Significantly less than the NSA which already knows your next move. (It sends your hw/os not personal data).

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I heard Facebook knows that your in a relationship before you even do…

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Note: it only does this once on startup. It benefits you too I guess :slight_smile:

Put on your tinfoil hat guys they’re watching

It also does this only on the first run ever on a particular device.