New forum search fail - Plea for resources on XML I/O in C#

I am unable to search for xml io in C# due to overzealous forum-search pruning. In fact “xml” is excised from every search I make on the subject, as is C#, making results astoundingly useless.

Anyone got any links handy? Trying to do some XML file I/O in C#.

Second from top on Google searching “Loading XML C#”

Should allow you to get something up and running.

For C# don’t be afraid to search outside the Unity forums. Unless it’s directly about the Unity API functions there are likely more complete documents on the MSDN(System.Xml Namespace | Microsoft Learn) or external sites.

Thanks Ntero, this looks like enough to chew on for the moment.

I was a little worried about there being layering issues for doing file i/o in Unity, which is why I focused my search here. I’m also using the iphone dev environment, which again raises questions about file i/o, since I’m not sure how file i/o works generally on the iphone, although upon reflection that may be best explored by looking up general iphone resources.

The big things to watch out for on iPhone for i/o is available folders.

All assets in the Assets folder are compressed into a single file and not accessible.
You need to use a StreamingAssets folder as listed in iPhoneUtils.PlayMovie Script Reference.

Also you cannot write to Application.dataPath, as it’s readonly.

You need to use Application.dataPath + “…/…/Documents/” to get to your writeable storage location.
And the next issue is that I’ve not found a good way to access the Documents folder on install, if it’s possible at all.


Thanks again for all your help.


I set up the forum to include a bunch of short words in the index–c#, xml, boo, 3d–although it won’t take effect until the next search engine rebuild (have to wait for launch traffic to die down a bit).

Good to know Matthew, I do appreciate the expeditious reply.