New forums are unsearchable due to dynamic loading

This is likely not something that you can fix because the platform you’ve bought into is fundamentally flawed in this regard, but it bares saying. The new forum uses this dynamic loading system when you scroll that makes the thread content not actually load until you scroll down.

This breaks the built-in search function present in every single web browser on every platform that exists. All browsers and all form factors. You’ve replaced it with a custom search bar that only appears on desktop, has worse UX, and doesn’t perform exactly the same function.

The dynamic loading is also likely going to ruin your search rankings over time as threads can no longer be effectively indexed by web spiders.


the search is available on both mobile and desktop

The built in search does still work if you CTRL F twice you get the native search ( clicking the next arrow will refresh it to show more entries)

Discourse has many SEO enhancements outlined here

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