In 2020.1b7, a new game object that is created (GameObject > Create Empty) is not positioned at 0,0,0. Was it always like this ??
I compared it with 2018.4, and to my surprise the numbers were also non-zero (but different).
In 2020.1b7, a new game object that is created (GameObject > Create Empty) is not positioned at 0,0,0. Was it always like this ??
I compared it with 2018.4, and to my surprise the numbers were also non-zero (but different).
When you create a game object it does not always spawn at 0,0,0
Positioning of new GameObjects in the Editor depends on where your SceneView camera is looking.
It’s also based on the current “focus size” of the editor - so if you focus a small object, and then create a new gameobject, the created thing will be closer to the camera than if you first focus something large.
This all sums up to new objects never being in a position that’s in any way useful.
Imho the idea behind is that the author can always see right in the scene the object he has just created?
Question of course remains, if is it really needed and if zero position would not be better…
Zero would probably not be very useful. The problem is that the object generally ends up below ground.
There’s some pretty decent functionality when you drag a prefab into the scene that places it on the ground under the mouse. Running the same code, but with the scene view’s camera’s center instead of the mouse pos would generally give better results.
I know it’s a bit late, but you can force it to spawn at 0,0,0. Navigate through Edit > Preferences > Scene View and then at the top toggle “Create objects at Origin”!
hooray! thanks! I’ve been dealing with this for years and only now finally got around to looking for a fix.
Hooray! Glad I could help