Hey people
I started a new gangster/maffia management game
I wanted to know if some of you could be interested to go in
It would be done in 3D low poly sooooo cute assets 
I m searching for every kind of help but mainly
- developpers
- one 2d artist for the GUI
- one music composer why not to contribute with nice jazzy ambiance

I m not new in this field and already made many games and tries
Work with c# and unity for very long also
So with or without you i ll make that game 
At that moment, i already found most of my asssets and put a path system
So the GUI and real coding ll start soon
Mail : vbx.rene@gmail.com
Discord : Vivi#2288
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Herere some advancement on this project
maybe it ll make you want to join 
Here are the advancements :
- the city map is done and half fix, half randomly generated
- pathfinding system and little guys works already
- Animations are ok for most of what i need
- Some GUIs are already finished (recruitment of gangsters, your own list, clues, …)
- Some AI and process (creations of rival gangs, …)
- a minigame for an additional victory is almost finished
So are you interested ? 
As always to show you i m going on and try to make you interested to join 
First the game is now mobile/android friendly (i ll make it iphone friendly at the end as the conception is same)
Here is the new splashScreen when game is creating on background with a hole per step
There is also a newspaper giving the player the news about the city once a day
The news are random but telling the feeling about economy, criminality and whatever funny bla bla
Also i started to implement actions
- now gangsters can investigate buildings and find clues or gain datas about the building
- they can also train to improve their skills
The other actions are on their way
People in the city have cars and can go from one place to the others with them
I reimplemented a very basic AI i did long ago to give the little people a life (they go from home to work to whatever then home)
Implemented a few more buildings also
And some power ups like this one
And finally i reorganized lot of things to make it much more user efficient and CPU friendly (as phones are not as a computer)
So is someone interested to join ???
So now the city is improved and more realisticly looking (still randomly generated)
The minimap helps to find and select the places you want with some quickInfos
The new menu to create the actions of your gangster is on (still in dev)
The building inspector is more detailed with more infos that you can get by investigate
And that s all for now 
Finally one of you contacted me to make some nice musics and that s great 
Hope more could be interested
It s a while i didn t post. I was in hollidays and also this part was a bit harder to make as it s one of the major mechanic in the game.
Still, the new order GUI is here. More complete than the last one and functional already.
You can give orders via this way, cancel them, follow them, and wait for the result.
Hello all
I put this game a bit in sleep as i was working on other projects but time to go back on it
Still if you are interested, i m open to your proposals 
Now some new stuff
First the story for introduction (ok it was not a bit plus ahahah)
Then the new accounting screen where you can recruit an accountant, wash money and hide from taxes at your own risks
Screen has also changed a bit with new button like to go to your HQ, getting notifications from your mobs after their missions, getting info about cash, products, gangsters, active ones, etc…
A new screen also to search directly the type of buildings you want. After checking them, they ll become green directly on the map to help for searching specific type of buildings
Also the action system is now done directly in the buildings and not as it was in the book
Camera also has changed. I put away the up vision for the moment. The system is still in the game though if i want to put it back later but i thought it was better this way in 45 degrees.
You can even follow your gangster when they are acting
From far
Or close
I also added the back door buisnesses with 10 different (distillery, hq, syndicate, bar, casino, …)
For sure for the moment they don t do much but you can create them behind a building you bought
And last thing, the people are walking the streets everywhere with bigger amount during day and less people during night.
That s it for now 
Next thing ll be finishing the black market, making the law, etc…
So much work still 
So still waiting for people to contribute if you want 
Here is the new law GUI where you ll be able to recruit a lawyer, see the heat of the different factions and gangs, also to try to plead the cause of your arrested guys
I also re-put the top view. Not that i really like it but as i implemented it before, i think that some people could like it better than the isometric one
I also created more gangsters pictures. Now there is 60 guys and 40 women
The number of recruitable gangsters in the city would be blocked at this total corresponding to the number of pictures. So no more than 100 gangsters in the city. Here the guys one as an example.
I also added some boats just for the beauty of the thing. They have no interaction instead making the scene more realistic, going around here and there.
And that s all for now 
Next on the page : the black market
And as always, if you are interested to be part of the project, please send me a message 
Mail : vbx.rene@gmail.com
Discord : Vivi#2288
The new order GUI to summarize the orders you gave and cancel them (before they start)
And the black market one to buy elements for your guys
Now i ll move back to the back buisnesses as it seems that s almost one of the last GUI i have to do
(Ok i want to remake also the filter one to put the territories too and other filters)
Hey hey
So i don t have big screen shots to show you today as most GUI are already finished and i show you everything yet.
Ok there is still one or two i should make but i was more focus on developping now (and that s where i regret noone contacted me to help ahahah:p)
So what s new ?
Well i changed totally the order/action system
Now it s sooo much easier to add orders and look at them as a programmer
Also to see the fail consequences and success ones
All the orders already created and working with consequences are
Else, I created also the first AI for the law enforcement
So now, untouchables and police are making actions (and not the best ones) against you and the other gangs depending how much they feel about you
Once a day they can
Police (once a day)
- suspend buisness for a week
FBI (once a day)
dismantle a buisness
arrest gangster
kill gangster
steal your assets
So better to not push them too much and try to keep good relations and low profile if you don t want your organization to be destroyed easily. Mainly as, if you can bribe the police to make your relations better, the untouchables are not corruptible (except from one secret way if you are lucky)
The news show the most important things also. If a gangster is killed, even not yours, surely the next newspaper ll speak about it.
Finally the city has a personal economy and threat
If the threat is part of your actions as more bad actions ll make the global threat in the city higher, the economy is totally independant but ll influence the prices on everything, even black market or law punishments.
And i think that s it
Surely there was some other little stuff here and there like a jailed lawyer can t plead anymore or a jailed accountant can t wash money either, but i don t remember all of these little things right now 
Stay tuned 
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Oh my god, almost three weeks and i didn t post anything ahahah 
Well the fact is also that i have a life sometimes but as always here are the improvements
First for the first time after long, two people contacted me for helping the game
One of them more as an artist and the other as a programer.
So i put them in and we ll see if we get well along but i m very happy finally some people decided to join.
Then i don t have much more new screen to show except the options one that i just made
It s simple but enough for the moment
You can choose languages, difficulty, audio levels, etc…
Ok for this last one i would love to make the bars a bit more… beautiful than the stupid normal scrollbar, but it ll make the trick for the moment 
Else i put the speed system in place with different speed for the game that you cna choose by clicking on the clock on the main screen

There is 4 different speeds with x1, x2, x4, x8. The normal one is x2
Some bugs also were fixed (yes because there is always bugs ahahah 
I added also more people skins (around 60 more) just for beauty purposes
Changed the car speeds (they were way tooooo quick. I couldn t imagine people could really drive them safely :p)
Also started to work on the black business GUI and the other gangs GUI (to be able to interact with them)
That s all for now 
If some programers are interested (with great skills as i would love to improve the AI, would be amazing)
Stay tuned
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