New GUI, anchors disappear from Rect Transform

I have spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out why the UI anchors in my text and button objects have disappeared. The rectangle on the top-left of the Rect Transform is empty, and there are no anchors visible in Scene View. Only the text objects on my buttons still keep their anchors.

The other difference I can tell is that the objects without anchors have changed the names of the position parameters from Left, Top, Right Bottom, to Pos x, Pos y, Width, Height.

I have searched the internet and read the manual and cannot find information on this regard.

What am I missing? How do I get the anchors back?

dgfhgjk46578 is correct. If the UI element is a child of an object with a Transform, then the anchors disappear. So Instead of parenting to Game Objects I am parenting to UI panels and it works fine.

thank you.

I solved, i selected the default layer in inspector and work it for me

That was my problem too, I had grouped objects and the anchors were blank. Ungrouped and all good now.