New in Unity: LOD, flare, editor...questions

Hi all,

we just bought Unity Pro and as far as I see it is the most artist friendly tool in the market today, so congratulation for developers. I realized some missing functions, I will put them to the wishlist later.

I have several questions:

  1. LOD

As I see LOD works like using an object (for example my “low-poly” version)as a “container” for the LOD script with the links to the different resolution “meshes”. My problem is the next: I would like to use different resolution meshes with different shaders, but this method can use only the same materials/shaders (and it kills me because of the material ID mess and some position issue.

Is there any easy method to handle LODs in a similar way, but changing objects instead of meshes (in this case I would be able to change shaders and don’t have to mess with material ID-s to get the right material on the right element)? And I would like to duplicate/clone this several times in the scene easily.

  1. Flare question:

I discovered that hiding a flare is possible by a collider object. But what can I do if I would like to hide the flare effect by a tree, but I dont want it to use as a collider? Or I have a building consists of hundreds of meshes and I don’t want to attach a collider to all of them, but I want it to hide the flares. How can I do it? On the other hand using mesh collider kills performance as I see.

  1. Scene editor:

I can zoom in scene editor without limits in perspective mode, but if I switch to “orto” mode, I cannot get close enough the selected object. Is there a way to set zooming limits in-out manually? And is it possible to change the camera clipping distance in the editor scene view?

  1. Import of a biped character.

I exported an animated character from 3ds max to fbx. A collapesd it before, but after importing into Unity it gets a T-pose and do nothing. Is there any idea what happens?

Thank you for the answers.

Well, as I see this classical scripted mesh-changer LOD - what I founded in this forum - definetely unusable for me. Does anybody have any working script solution to make LOD from objects? Thank a lot.

You can swap out the material along with the mesh.

A collider is necessary; the flare needs something to tell it that it’s blocked. If you don’t want collisions, you can use Physics.IgnoreCollision on it.

You don’t need to use the visible meshes as colliders. Make a simplified collider for the whole building, which is what most games do–you don’t collide with every detail, just the general shape of the area.

Nope, unfortunately.


Thanks for the answers.

I will ask a friend to write a script to do the material changes. With the mesh-replacer LOD m problem is, that accidently rotates the imported meshes (same settings in the 3ds Max fbx-exporter) and mixes the materials on the surfaces.The LOD models are differents, causethe high poly one consists of 4 attached meshes, the middle 3 and the low only 2. I set the material ID-s, but somehow it goes wrong after importing. That’s why I thougt that maybe there is an object-based LOD scipt, cause as objects everything is fine (no rotation problem, etc.)

The flare + collider issue is OK, I just hoped that teher is a way to avoid modelling additional collision mesh for this quite detailed buildings, but I had to this before n other apps, too, so not a big issue.

I have another question: the terrain engine is quite impressive, but is there any possibility to paint for example flowers on a triangle shaped mesh (flower garden)? Do you know any script can convert custom meshes (not heightmaps) into terrain?

Thank you for your time.


you can not convert anything into terrain.

the terrain is heightmap based and rendered / modified in realtime.

what you would have to do is provide a valid heightmap that you extracted from your terrain mesh (through reading height data with positions from a grid representing your heightmap pixels) and use that heightmap to then paint the terrain in Unity

That is not a solution I think, cause terrain allways rectangular,so I cannot hide the unnecessary parts. I will put it on the wishist, it works quite well in Quest3D.

The object-based LOD issue solved, I will put on the forum an example with the script to help the others.

While moving an object in top view, orto mode the object accidently changes it’s vertical coordinates. See attached file.

105722–4042–$ (223 KB)

Thank you, anti-alias! I’m looking for it for a long time…