Hello All,
I’m using the New Input handler and when my scene changes i’m getting the below error
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
PlayerInputHandler.OnDisable () (at Assets/Scripts/PlayerInputHandler.cs:73)
PlayerInputHandler:Awake() (at Assets/Scripts/PlayerInputHandler.cs:40)
I’ve pinned it down to when i destroy the Handlers clone when a new level is loaded. So i remove the destroy command and the error disspaears. However, i then get a clone as i have the handler as do not destroy.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public class PlayerInputHandler : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Input Action Asset")]
[SerializeField] private InputActionAsset playerControls;
[Header("Action Map Name Reference")]
[SerializeField] private string actionMapName = "Player";
[Header("Action Name Reference")]
[SerializeField] private string move = "Move";
[SerializeField] private string attack = "Attack";
private InputAction moveAction;
private InputAction attackAction;
public Vector2 MoveInput { get; private set; }
public bool AttackTriggered { get; private set; }
private static PlayerInputHandler instance;
public static PlayerInputHandler Instance
if (instance == null) instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<PlayerInputHandler>();
return instance;
private void Awake()
if(Player.Instance.level > 1)
if (GameObject.Find("PlayerInputHandler")) Destroy(gameObject);
moveAction = playerControls.FindActionMap(actionMapName).FindAction(move);
attackAction = playerControls.FindActionMap(actionMapName).FindAction(attack);
void Start()
void RegisterInputActions()
moveAction.performed += context => MoveInput = context.ReadValue<Vector2>();
moveAction.canceled += context => MoveInput = Vector2.zero;
attackAction.performed += context => AttackTriggered = true;
attackAction.canceled += context => AttackTriggered = false;
private void OnEnable()
InputSystem.onDeviceChange += OnDeviceChange;
private void OnDisable()
InputSystem.onDeviceChange -= OnDeviceChange;
private void OnDeviceChange(InputDevice device, InputDeviceChange change)
switch (change)
case InputDeviceChange.Disconnected:
Debug.Log("Device Disconnected: " + device.name);
case InputDeviceChange.Reconnected:
Debug.Log("Device Reconnected: " + device.name);
So my question is do i remove the do not destroy and let each scene generate the handler or is there a better way to write this script?
Thanks in advance.