New Input System using Keyboards not working??

Hi, I’m using the newest input system from unity and have made an Input Action asset which I have added keyboard bindings into it. But for some reason, when I pressed a key (W for example), the system does not recognise it.

Here’s my code

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        keyboard = bindings.FindActionMap("Keyboard Bindings", true);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        wPressed = keyboard.FindAction("W").ReadValue<float>();
        acceleration = keyboard.FindAction("W").triggered ? 1f : 0f;
        acceleration = keyboard.FindAction("S").triggered ? acceleration - 1f : acceleration;
        WSMController.AccelerationInput = acceleration;

        steering = keyboard.FindAction("A").triggered ? steering - 1f : keyboard.FindAction("D")
        .triggered ? steering + 1f : 0f;
        WSMController.SteeringInput = steering;

Here’s also my bindings

And yes, when the system starts I already checked whether or not the map have been called. Funny thing is, it worked fine using input action from oculus.

Nevermind, all I needed to do is giving a Player Input Component into my controller. I feel so stupid right now -_-