Hey folks. Why is it that when I click ‘Invite Member to Workspace’, I’m sent to a 404 page? (This may be related to the ‘/main@default@local’ issue at the bottom of the following picture…
I also appear to have set my test repo to be on my home computer, if I’m reading ‘/main@default@local’ correctly - does anybody know how I can change this? Options in that context menu takes me to the Project Settings dialogue for Version Control → Plastic SCM.
Thank you in advance. Bit confused with this, coming from Source Tree…
Are you using the last Version Control package version, right? Let me report it to the team.
When you create a Plastic workspace, you can select to use local repos or cloud repos. You can delete the current workspace and recreate it on the same path pointing to a cloud repo.
In order to manage the workspaces, I think it will be easier if you di it via the Plastic GUI instead of the Unity plugin.
As far as I know, on the date I wrote that post, I was using the very latest version of the package. I usually update whenever I get the chance.
The 404 basically popped up because I’d created a ‘local’ repo, then attempted to invite a friend to it. Presumably it went looking for the relevant project on the cloud, only to find nothing. Maybe worth trying to reroute fellow idiots who end up with that outcome?
I resolved the problem by myself, iirc, by just deleting the workspace manually and restarting the version control and pointing it at a cloud repo (I honestly had no idea what I was doing with the Plastic GUI). Things seem to be working swimmingly now, however - thanks Carlos!