New player looking for direction

Hey all!

As the title reads I am quite new to Unity. I have watched and created the Roll-A-Ball game, Space Shooter and currently half way through a FPS game. These games are all functioning and I picked up on the tutorials really well. Problem is, I dont know where to go from here… I did see a few Mario Bros tutorials, but I thought I would ask at the source.

Do I pick my weakest point (probably scripting) and learn more on that or do I soldier on with what I would like to actually learn (creating terrain/levels). Do I keep at the Unity 5 tutorials and make a genre of each game? so I can say that I have covered the basics of FPS, platformers, racing etc etc.

Really keen to learn it all but have no idea if I am better off going one way or another.

be your own trouble maker, challenge yourself to the next level, ie you did space shooter ? then go youtube look for a similar game, watch it and see if you able to do that game, you need not to code, just imagine what is the difficult part that you might face

-How AI behave ?
-How power-up works, how they fly around ?
-How explosion work ?
-How boss should shoot ?
-How to slowly increase difficulty ?
-How aircraft fly over all other objects, how tanks move under trees ?
-How each types of missiles fly and attack their targets ?
Im not asking you to play the game, but understand what is the difficult part that you might face, and how do you solve it.

you dont need to do 1 of every single type of game, but just go to the extreme for 1 type of game, like programming language, you dont need to learn every languages, but MASTER 1 language of your choice, then learning any new language should not be any problem, but if you just learn the basic of every language, you still cant do anything, compare to u can do alot with just a mastery.

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Time to drop the trainer wheels and build something without a tutorial. Try clone a really simple game, like Pong, Space Invaders or Flappy Bird. Do it without watching a specific tutorial. You can use the manual, the reference, and the learn section videos.

Most of game development is done by specialists. It’s often better to be really good at one area, and team up with someone who is really good at the other areas. To learn everything is often a recipients to keep learning forever and never finish anything.


Just to add to that - it’s often beneficial to venture a little bit past the crossing point of your field, to have basic understanding and ease communication.

Since you said terrains/level design is your forte, knowing at least in principle (you don’t need to know how to do it yourself, just to understand what’s needed for it to work on a high level) how actors work (controlling by player, movement types, pathfinding, basic AI [seeing, hearing etc.]), where are layer masks involved (it’s pretty easy to mess up raycasting for someone else if layers are not controlled), collisions/triggers, camera exposition, UI design etc. will make you a much better at actually getting stuff done with others.

In essence just like with encapsulated code, you don’t need to know the implementation details of what others are doing, but you do need to know what’s the “interface” to make it work with what you’re doing.

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Thanks very much guys for taking the time to reply :slight_smile:
I have read everything you guys have suggested and I see my path is a long one haha. I see what you guys mean by challenge myself, making even the most primitive game is a hard task for me right now so thats where I shall begin, i’ll make something simple and then add to it as I learn and tinker with different features.
Also, I am sure it is completely up to the person but I think C# is a good language to pick… Seems to have the most adds on SEEK here in Australia anyway!

Thanks again, I will watch this space for any other posts - it all helps!

If you are local I would strongly suggest getting involved with the appropriate IDGA Facebook groups. Looking for game devs Australia is another useful group.