New PolyShape doesn't work in 2D

We updated from 2023.2, where we were definitely able to create new polyshapes easily in 2D mode. Now in 6000.0.23f1 (Probuilder 6.0.4), this bug has appeared. I’ve created a new Universal 2D project in Unity 6 and confirmed that it happens right away.

In 2D view in scene view, try creating a new polyshape. You get a pink shape, and no object appears in the hierarchy.

The workaround is to switch to 3D view, draw a new polyshape with some extrusion, then rotate / reposition the object, and set extrusion back to 0. Then it is editable in 2D as normal.

I’ve submitted a bug report for this, but am surprised that I can’t find anyone else posting about it. Am I perhaps doing something wrong or misunderstanding the new tools? Has anyone else encountered this?

New polyshape in 2D - pink and no object in hierarchy:

Workaround: create it topdown in 3D:

… with positive extrusion…

… rotate and set extrusion back to 0…

… now it works:

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Hi @NashBits, thanks for reporting this! I can confirm the issue exists in 6.0.4 but we’ve already done a fix for this. If you check ProBuilder’s current changelog, it’s the STO-3427 fix - the next release will include it.

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That’s great news, thanks!

What is the expected timeline of the delivery of this fix? Its February and the issue is still present in 6.0.4, plaguing the workflow of many artists and developers.


Thought I was going mad. Just ran into this issue too. The only thing I had a use for and it’s been broken for over 4 months now (despite being fixed internally apparently?).

Why has the fix not been pushed out yet?

EDIT: This isn’t limited to just the ortho camera, it happens in normal camera view too.