We updated from 2023.2, where we were definitely able to create new polyshapes easily in 2D mode. Now in 6000.0.23f1 (Probuilder 6.0.4), this bug has appeared. I’ve created a new Universal 2D project in Unity 6 and confirmed that it happens right away.
In 2D view in scene view, try creating a new polyshape. You get a pink shape, and no object appears in the hierarchy.
The workaround is to switch to 3D view, draw a new polyshape with some extrusion, then rotate / reposition the object, and set extrusion back to 0. Then it is editable in 2D as normal.
I’ve submitted a bug report for this, but am surprised that I can’t find anyone else posting about it. Am I perhaps doing something wrong or misunderstanding the new tools? Has anyone else encountered this?
New polyshape in 2D - pink and no object in hierarchy:
Workaround: create it topdown in 3D:
… with positive extrusion…
… rotate and set extrusion back to 0…
… now it works: