New Procedural Character System


I saw on the release notes for Unity 2.1 a feature that was called: Procedural Characters and Animation, making it sound like a new system was implemented to handle avatar creation for 3d characters.

I cannot find any info on any type of new system in the docs or in the forums. Does anyone have any info about this? Or do you have to use features that were already in the engine to achieve this effect.

We are making an avatar creator eventually, and the biggest challenge we assume we’ll be facing is swapping out meshes that have envelope/or skin mapping data on them. Can you save out skin weighting seperately, or is it stored with the mesh?

The notes about these 2 new(?) API’s make me wonder the same:

Haven’t been able to find them yet.

There’s a simple example of procedurally generating an animated skinned mesh here:
