I want to introduce you to my latest product, Tree Master.
This culminates all of my previous work from ForestVision and Mobile ForestVision and is my most robust and optimized tool yet.
Tree Master is the ultimate tree/vegetation creator and is ready all platforms. I include a simple wind shader to make sure your leaves don’t look dead or frozen in your game, but the point of this tool isn’t the shaders, it’s generating an unlimited number of vegetation meshes for your games–while maintaining the smallest hit to your draw calls as possible.
What you an see below is the starting point of Tree Master. I am just adjusting the Tree Type slider which cycles through all of your saved tree templates. We ship with 16 templates, but this scales as you add more.
Each tree is sized based on the species it is modeled after.
Next up is where the real power of Tree Master comes in, adjusting the Foliage.
By default, every tree you create/edit has access to 64 different texture variations via the slider, couple that with adjusting the Leaf Material slider to the second position and you just doubled it to 128! But we ship with 5 Leaf materials so the total number of foliage options alone comes in at 320! Don’t forget that you also have access to 21 different bark materials right away so technically, every single tree you create there is a possible 6,720 different visual options at your disposal!
Keep in mind, these 64 texture varieties represent a single texture, once you switch the Leaf Material to another option, you just loaded up a different texture. Tree Master is very optimized to make sure that there are no unnecessary draw calls for your creations. A basic tree consists of a trunk, branches and leaf meshes, all of which are a single draw call. Then you have your bark and leaf materials which bring your total up to 3.
So, if you keep the same bark and leaf material and only change the tree type and foliage, you can add an unlimited number of vegetation creations to your library and add into your game and will only cost you 3 draw calls!
Speaking of bark…you can swap out the bark material on the trunk and all of the branches with a slider as well!
Below you can see I just scaled down the foliage so you can better see what’s happening with the bark change. No matter how many branches you add, Tree Master handles a uniform application of the bark across all of them.
Now you also have the option of adding flowers with a single click… and then adjusting the size and variety.
Of course adding flowers will add a new draw call to your stack, but keep in mind, if you do add flowers, you still have 9 different types of flowers available within that single draw call.
You can also add Roots in the same manner!
Last thing I want to show you is that all of this prepares you for exporting your trees as prefabs, or as collapsed trees ready for use on Unity’s terrain.
What you see below is the Mesh Analysis tool being used to quickly adjust the scene so you can examine the actual draw call count on your creation by turning off shadows, and disabling the skybox so all that is left is your geometry, and the single draw call from the engine. You can see when I show the Stats window, Set pass calls shows 3, but the tool shows 2–this subtracts the single call for the engine.
Next the Exporter tool is used to quickly examine how many vertices your final exported mesh will contain, and then by using the Reduce Foliage buttons you can easily hit vertex counts.
You can then export your creation as a prefab to use later, export the collapsed mesh for terrains, or if you really love what you made, save it out as a new Tree Template that will immediately be available in your Treey Type slider at the top!
This tool developed from my own game development needs, and I just knew I had to share this with the community!
What do you think?
Any Questions?