New Project looking for Feedback

Here are some screen shots to my current Project under development. Chime in with some comments plz…
These are shots of my first level which will take place at a carnival of the lake. The plot will be a hostage situation with Terrorist posing as clowns in a stand off with you and your team. The game will be multiplayer and will be basically a search and rescue type of game with missions getting harder as you progress.

Hey, this is looking pretty good so far. Keep it up, man. :slight_smile:

I’d say that you’re putting a little too much emphasis on each individual object, and not focusing enough on the big picture. By that I mean that some of those objects are a little too high-poly for what the end result looks like. I think what you need to improve is your art direction.

What I would suggest is that you add more little objects, like scraps of paper on the ground, trim where the walls meet the floors, objects that suggest technology and utility, and other objects that evoke the sense of touch. This image, while not actually a game, is full of objects that suggest technology, utility, and that evoke the sense of touch:

Adding more little objects might mean reducing the polys on the existing objects, which is what I was getting at earlier. I think the end result is well worth it since you create a richer world. That world might not necessarily be more photo-realistic, since objects have to be simplified, but it will be more realistic because it has the detail of the real world, just with a different visual style. It will be quite difficult to achieve photo-realism due to the lighting models you have access to anyway.

This kind of “realism” I’m talking about - a realistic depiction of a living world - is much more important that visual photo-realism. The following is an example of what I mean. It’s obviously not photo-real, but it looks like a depiction of a living world because of the detail - in this case from the texture and use of cables.

Lastly, I think you need to improve your lighting. The skybox seems to suggest late afternoon, but the lighting in your scene seems like night. If you’re going for night, I’d suggest a sunset skybox, more pink or purple ambient lighting, and brighter orange artificial lighting. If you’re going for day-time, you want bluer ambient lighting and much brighter sun/direct lighting. You should also try baking some lightmaps. Due to the style you’re trying to achieve, I think they’d be worth it for sure.

It’s hard to comment on a non evident game and some screenshots but its looking pretty good.