New RastaMonkey Enviroment sketches

These are some new background ideas for our RastaMonkey game. Its still work in progress so please feel free to give suggestions and butcher if necessary.

And while were at it, I have a question which i already posted on the wishlist forum: does anybody here think that a sub-forum dedicated solely to art for unity developers would be of any value to him?

I think these all look great! I can’t wait to play more Rastamonkey!!! :slight_smile:

Are you going to be selling a downloadable version with a ton of levels in?


All of your work which gives a hint of volume to the forms looks great. Mostly the cartoony shadows create this. You also achieve it with the overlayed shapes each with slight transparency for the foliage or mist. I like the looks of both of these.
Examples- pic 1’s tree foliage, fog, and shadows on hills in background. pic 3’s hills are perfect for a distant background. and pic 4’s shadows are great.

On the other hand I do not like the art which looks completely flat.
Pic 2 has some interesting things going on with the layers of mist but it still looks flat to me. This needs a little more volume to each of the hills. The gradient shadow just isn’t doing it.

Also… while that 3d looking palm looks really cool, I think you are breaking your aesthetic. It needs to look a little flatter. First thing to fix is its shadow.

I think you’ve got an almost South Parkish sense of your forms looking like they are layers of construction paper in a scrap book. I think it works well for your game and you should keep with the feel of it. Its a balance between a sense of depth while expressing it with objects that appear set on flat planes of glass.

Wow, Thanks a lot Jeff:)
We intend to sell an iphone version of the game and didnt quite figure out what else yet. Were quite new to the gaming business too, so any advice on which platforms this game fits in your opinion will be more than welcomed.

Thanks Aaron, these are all great advice! i will start fixing the stuff youve mentioned right away.

b.t.w : none of you responded to my other question : Do you think a Unity Art forum will be of any value?
I would love to know what you think about that.

Those look fantastic! Did you use Adobe Illustrator?

Will these be using parallax scrolling in the game?

I think a Unity ‘Art Visuals’ forum would be handy, because there are a lot of Unity Specific aspects to creating game artwork. There is a lot of potential for sharing tips and tricks and methods too with regards to importing, exporting, building, etc.

Until then, however, I see no reason to not use the Showcase section for these sorts of discussion.

Thanks Dock! I’m really flattered since I consider your work to be really top notch design:)
Yes I only used illustrator cs3 for the backgrounds, and then export the layers in alpha and attach them to planes located in 3d space to create the camera parallax scrolling.
As to using the showcase forum, I think it is great for work in progress, but it doesn’t seem right for sharing inspiration art or solving problems and giving tips, don’t you agree?

As far as an art subforum goes, I’d be all in favor. I like going through the Showcase section to see people’s Unity projects, not necessarily their latest modeling exercise (which may not have anything to do with Unity at all). That isn’t to say that I don’t want to see people’s art, I’d just rather have it in another place, not diluting the content of another section.

I think the Showcase section is fine for displaying artwork, and the External Apps section good for asking technical questions about generating artwork with Unity in mind.

While an Artwork section does have an upside to it, I am wary of dividing the forum into more and more subcategories.

My thinking is that should the showcase section ever get overwhelmed with folks showing off their artwork, that it would make sense at that time to split it into subgroups. Until that happens however I think it is plenty satisfactory.

Very good point! I can definitely see the logic of what you’re saying, since these forums are much more code oriented and you dont see too many conversations about these topics.
My question to you is don’t you think, for example, that sharing tips on graphic software feels a little out of context for a showcase forum?

That’s truly amazing! It reminds me of Locoroco!

Thanks Sam! I cant say we weren’t a little inspired by Locoroco, so i can definitely see your point.


guys, these are beautiful - really beautiful - what a fab design, I love the snowy ones too.

Played the demo and loved it. Can’t wait to see the final version.

Isn’t that what “External Apps” is for?

You’re absolutely right, bad example on my part:)
What about sharing inspirational artwork done by others or links to useful tutorials? where does that fit?

You are wearing me down. :slight_smile: I thought that was showcase.

But in any case, this should be posed to those that can do something about it. I can see your point. My point is merely one of caution: try not to dilute the forum too much.

lol, I really didnt mean to wear you down:)
I can definitely understand why you’re afraid of too much dilution, its certainly a bad thing to have too many forums with a dull volume of content. Thats why I’m only asking if people see any value in it. There is a very good chance you are right and it’s too early for that here.

Exactly. I like how it is here, compared to say… oh, Garage Games. :wink:

That said, I am all in favor of an art subforum.

yeah I’d really like to see that… not only from a technical support perspective but a critique sub forum would be really helpfull…

Great style on the sketches there, fits the game well.

On the issue of an Artwork category, I think the current Showcase category works well enough. With the community growing perhaps there should be more categories. Not sure.

Lovely artwork that can only add to the game, new builds please! :smile:

As to a new forum area I too am a bit hesitant to do that as we have areas suitable already. Between Showcase and External Tools I think we’ve got two locations to discuss and show off artwork needs.