We have moved to Unity2018.3b12. You need to upgrade to this version as we rely on a few bugfixes that came in there. You should get a little speedup - the difference that some of you noticed between our ready made builds and what you could build yourself initially should be gone.
This version contains a lot under-the-hood work so you may not see so many new things just from opening the project. But we want to try and get in the habit of pushing out versions with a decent frequency. And speaking of that, there might be a few silly things we missed so if we broke something speak up and we will try and get a patch release out.
As you will be able to see, one of the things we have done is to start removing need for local modifications to packages. For example, we are very close to not needing any changes in HDRP anymore as we use the Shader Graph to do the FPS weapon FOV correction that was discussed in some threads a little while back.
If you happen to need to download Unity 2018.3.0 B12 like FPS Sample 2.0 requires, you can no longer select it from the unity-hub v1.3.2 due to 2019’s release…
when i use this i get a nice view in game view - but the scene view is white/way overlit. Im not sure how to solve it and what is the issue? i tried toggle game view tracking - but scene view is still completely bright/white…
Im running on Unity2018.3b12 and GitHub and the master git…
@petera_unity could you rename this thread to “0.2.0 release on github” etc? People keep bumping this up all the time and it’s not really obvious at first glance that there really isn’t (yet another) new release available Or alternatively have a separate announcement thread that’s locked from regular users like some other preview techs do here, example:
I get this effect when the hierarchy is filtered (e.g. to select the camera), could this be it or related to it? It sounds like what you are describing, the scene view is white and extremely bright. Clearing the filter brings it back to normal.
Excellent project to dive in to FPS Multiplaying game. Thank you Unity3D for making it as open source so we can use it to expand our knowledge building games.