new sample

here is my another sample


Very detailed scene! Get some shadows baked in there and it will look fantastic. You also might want to lower the height of the camera a little bit. Walking through doors makes me feel like I’m about to hit my head.

Would you mind sharing some info on your workflow?

How about a slightly more descriptive thread title? :slight_smile: Very nicely done level design. I do have a few questions though:

  • How come you’re not using the terrain engine trees? The ones you use frankly do not look all that great.
  • I think the ambient sound is quite an odd choice. Is this on purpose or a placeholder?

I think it looks great, but i have to go with Angy Ant: why not using the terrain engine trees?

Another thing: i’m feeling like being really, really tall. Like 2.5 m. Maybe you could have a look at the height of the camera.

Thanks to everyone for advice and comments.

Actually my effort to visualize Architect structures.
I am working with turntool to visualize Architectural structures for last two years. Developer companies are our main customer.
You can look some work below:
These project are made by 3dmax and export by turntool.
and copyrighted by

But now I want to use UNITY 3D. But I am new in this application also in Mac. To start with it I am trying to those sample test project done by demo version. What you saw, that is one of my turntool model done in 3dmax and export to fbx. In unity I did some work to finalize the export. that is whay i don’t use terrain and don’t fix other thing, I agree the camera is higher I will take care about camera at next export.

If anyone interested to sharing anything please post me or mail me

here is other links made by unity

This projects are my very first scene made by Unity.

Thanks to every body


Nicely done.

Needs optimization. (Framerate)

The character is too fast for the small spaces, and a little tall I think.

And to add, collision is terrible. I got stuck just by walking around in the store. :?

Also, I have an 8 core Mac Pro with an Nvidia 8800GT. I should NOT be getting ANY slowdowns in framerate considering the rendering complexity of the map. But I am. Since the graphics are dreamcast era, I find that unacceptable and one of the reasons I’m having trouble accepting Unity.

I just have to ask, why does the framerate drop at all? This isn’t Crysis. This is a game you would find on an N64 or Dreamcast. Is it Unity’s fault? (Graphics problem?)

Conversely, my fps never deviates outside of 40-39 the entire time. It’s sort of locked around there since it’s a webplayer. Maybe it’s a problem on your end?

I did get stuck in the lobby, though!

Runs fine on my G5 and X800. I’ve heard the 8800 drivers are not very good with some games. Anyway, Unity won’t protect you from making a slow game. You can make it run fast and look nice, if you follow standard optimizations. If you make something slow, it’s nothing to do with Unity, it’s just bad design and/or coding.


This is a big level, there is more than 1 million poly. I faced problem to run in Turntool, in unity webplayer it is running at my windows pc (core 2 duo with geforce 6200) very well. Regarding collusion there is problem.

Thanks to all.

A million poly’s? Sounds good for an Architecture demonstration. But it still looks bad considering it’s a realtime demo (texture’s, lighting, they all help in making a game look good).

The game runs powerfully on my mac. It’s just that when I back out and view the building, the framerate drops to 20-30. That’s the problem I’m facing. Even if there is no optimization in the draw distance, my mac should still churn out the capped 50 fps.

Eric, have you heard of Cinebench? It’s a benchmarking program that compares the speed of computers. On Windows, my card scores roughly 3000-4500 with the latest Nvidia drivers. On Mac, I score 6500-7000 with Apple’s drivers. Several will admit that an 8800 GT will run much better on a Mac because of those drivers. So if anything, the Apple drivers are making this game run better in Mac than it normally would in Windows.

I can run Crysis at 1280x1024, no AA, everything on high, and I get about 30-60 fps. I find it extremely funny and extremely sad that Crysis runs (slightly) better and looks waaaaay better than this game. I just hope it has to do with optimization on the users part rather than the actual graphics engine.

I want to know what the actual framerate would be without that 50 fps cap on. If it’s 150-200 fps, then I’ll be somewhat relieved. :smile:

If’ it’s 60-70 fps, then I will be very disappointed. :frowning:

There’s an easy answer to that. Which one of the two optimized their scene layout and which one didn’t?

Check out that link if you want to learn more about the techniques involved.

Yes, but artificial benchmarks are pretty much irrelevant. The 8800 is known to have problems in some games on the Mac because of the drivers, such as Call of Duty 2 (also affects 8600; same drivers).

That would be nice, but sadly that’s not the case. ET: Quake Wars gets 113 fps in Windows with the 8800, and 101 fps in OS X on the same machine. Prey gets 145 fps in Windows, 97 fps in OS X. And so on.


I did just to see how it will look direct export from our turntool resource. thanks for the link I need optimize this project.

I’m aware of the benefits of an optimized game, and yes Crysis is a more optimized game. But I think people here are forgetting that Crysis also puts a lot on the system with it’s physics (vehicle and house destruction), AI (including game input), audio, animations, particle effects, realtime shadows, shaders, high poly models, and so on.

I just don’t like how a game like sabuj’s can even possibly get a slow framerate AT ALL on this machine. It seems illogical. :roll:

Just hope that sabuj accidentally put a 5 million poly object somewhere in the level by mistake, and that’s what causes the slowdown when viewing the building. :smile:

Thats simple.

2 things are causing it:

  1. Not using LoD to get lower detail meshes when high detail is not needed

  2. serious missassumption about how the rendering works. If you push 1 massive model with 1 million poly in, it will all be rendered. Unity will not do your work and split it in hundred small parts so only those that are in view are rendered. Unity also does not do visibility tests, so if you have 1 massive wall blocking everything and don’t hide the stuff behind, it is no hidden and will be rendered just to be overdrawn by the wall.

two things your box colliers are in the wrong places cause I got stuck walking up to the mac book pro and could only move on the macbook pro AND I didn’t even jump to get up there!


use scripting such as if character is in certain place set these objects to be visible will make frame rate sky rise!

but yeah terrain trees please.

1). I know that.

2). I know that.

The problem is with something in the building. It’s causing a drop in the framerate. When I look at a specific area of the building it drops to about 20-30 fps. But when I look at anything else in the level (even just by looking a little to the left or right from the hot area), the framerate goes back to 50+.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Oh…it’s amazing. :smile: