New ScriptableObject in Runtime.

Using ScriptableObject for runtime-only stuff could make sense if you prefer to use some of the events for setup or teardown (Awake/OnDestroy/OnEnable/OnDisable), but then again, you can do similar things with plain C# objects (IDisposable pattern with/without a finalizer for disposing unmanaged resources) and those don’t have whatever overhead that using UnityEngine.Object-derived types might have. In either case, you can create your object and do whatever with the data it holds without fear that it does anything with storage unless you specifically serialize/deserialize it. If you’re actually trying to save/load the inventory object itself, I’d tend to go for the C# object route and either use JsonUtility with [System.Serializable] on the type or the “Unity Serialization” package.

Side note: a common pattern (not sure if this is considered best practice) is to initialize a component’s own data in Awake, so all the components are at least internally set up so when Start is called, everything can start hooking up with each other. You might consider initializing your inventory object in Awake. Also, when you post code, especially larger fragments, make sure you use code tags for readability.