About 2 to 3 years ago on a Text Mesh Pro update. Any new Sprite I add doesn’t show up. It just shows its image link instead.
Is there some way to like refresh all sprites? Rebuild the sprite sheet t creates or how ever it works. not sure. Must be a bug or something where I need to reset something.
Are you talking about emojis?
You would need to re-create the emoji-sprite-sheet every time you update. The process here is tedious.
If you are using TexturePacker for making the emoji-sheet, the process is like this:
- update / add sprites in your TexturePacker project (every sprite should have the same dimension)
- The output in the TexturePacker settings should be set to “JSON (Array)” and allows us to convert the sprites to TextMesh Pro emojis.
- Click “Publish sprite sheet”
- Copy (Ctrl+C) the published files “emojis.json” and “emojis.png” (I assume that you named them “emojis”. You can have a different name)
- Navigate to your project with windows explorer (or finder if mac) and navigate to the sub folder where your previous emojis are.
Paste the files here (overwrite)! (do not drag it into unity - use the windows explorer)
- Remove the “emojis.asset” (and “emojis.asset.meta” which will be deleted automatically if deleted from within unity)
- In the menu inside Unity navigate to Windows → TextMeshPro → Sprite Importer
7.1. Find the folder of point 5. in Unity and drag the json file into the “Sprite Data Source” field and the png file into the “Sprite Texture Atlas” field.
7.2. click “Create Sprite Asset”
7.3. Click “Save Sprite Asset” and save it as “emojis.asset” in the same folder as the previously copied files. (overwriting the previous file doesn’t work reliably, so we need to delete the previous file first)
- (Optional) Select the emojis asset and expand “Sprite Glyph Table” in the inspector and scroll down to the bottom to set the “Global Offset & Scale”. (For me and my 64x64 emojis the following values worked well: OX: 20 / OY: 50 / ADV: 100 / SF: 1.5)
- Open the “TMP Settings” in TextMesh Pro/Resources and drag the created emojis asset into the “Default Sprite Asset” field.
Ya kinda except each image is its own sprite. I use images for my Game Guide
As shown in my picture below. as u can see it ignores the satellite building and stays as a line of code