Hi all
Some updates for you - we’re working away on this project with a dedicated development team and a broad review board of developers and Unity vets. Our third milestone arrives this week so things are moving along well.
Here’s an overview of what we aim to deliver and how it’s being put together -
Package 1 - Characters
- First and Third Person character package. This package uses a rewritten new C# equivalent of the PhysX CharacterController which frankly is super old (read: Quake2 references in the code old) and also not versatile enough. We are aiming to replicate the basics of it’s functionality and then make it extensible and as useful as possible for you all. Animation wise we did a new mocap shoot and are building a detailed blend tree with an emphasis on responsiveness in the controller to match what a lot of you are asking for here - leaning more toward a Zelda BOTW feel than a Mad Max sluggish feel.
- Cinemachine rigs for the above, we’re working with our Cinemachine developers to make sure we show best practice and provide you with an out of the box AAA game camera that’s highly adaptable to a variety of scenarios and play styles
- New Input - working with our input devs we’ll be shipping with the Preview package of the New input system, which will act as a way to demonstrate usage for you as an added bonus. We’ll also include a Touch input rig for those of you working on mobile.
Package 2 - Prototyping
- Proto Environment - This arena is a prototyping playground designed to help you test out characters and mechanics. Built in Probuilder the aim here is to give you space to test out the characters in the first package and try building out ideas of your own.
That’s all for now, I will keep you updated as often as possible. Any questions keep them coming!