I’ve updated my step sequencer called Step Seq. and put it on Kongregate. Now with many bugs fixed, tutorial pages added and a new piano instrument aswell. 2x instruments means more harmonies and more scope for awesome songs. Now go and make some beautiful music
given this a serious over haul! It now has multiple instruments you can choose from, editable drums, tempo, editable fx, different key and scales, basically lots of cool stuff to make even more variety in creations
So I challenge you to make something awesome!
It’s looking really good. I find the user interface and transition between the advance menu and the sequencer appealing. The way you handle your exporting is very straight forward. I couldn’t figure out myself how to transfer an entire selection directly using javascript. Glad to see a unity game taking the lead in the competition!
I am curious on how you plan on managing more instruments without making the paging too complex. Look forward to see more development.