New SVG importer pixelation (vectorgraphics package)?

Sorry for reviving this old thread, however I would like to know if the aliasing issue of Vector Graphics package in conjunction with UI Toolkit is still being worked on?
I have recently tried to migrate our project from sprites to Vector Images in UI Toolkit, however the results are sub-par by a huge margin and aliasing issues are horrendous, for example:

And this is the same icon converted to Texture Sprite from the same SVG:

It’s still planned! But we don’t have an ETA yet…

The vector graphics package in its current state relies on MSAA to be turned on for antialiasing. If you enable antialiasing on your camera, the output should be as good as the Textured Sprite output you’ve shown.

Antialiasing does not affect anything with this sprite. I see changes in a scene, so AA is applied, but the UI (UI Toolkit) is completely unchanged as well as the vector image used in UI.

If you are using a Canvas, you’ll need to set its mode in “Screen Space - Camera”, if it’s in “Screen Space - Overlay” the antialiasing won’t affect it.

What? This is UI Toolkit, there’s no canvas…

Oh! Since UI Toolkit always render in overlay, the camera antialiasing won’t have any effect on it. You can configure the PanelSettings to render in an MSAA-enabled RenderTexture instead, and render that texture over the scene (for example, a full-screen quad). But in your situation it’s probably easier to stick to textured sprites instead.

Hi, would you be able to provide more info or a status update on this tessellation improvement? Is there a time frame for bringing this from UIToolkit to the rest of the vector graphics package?
I have been fiddling with sdf conversions to get around the mesh tessellation issues with curves, i would love to hear if you have another solution for this. Even if it hasnt made it over I’d love to peek at the UIToolkit implementation and hack it into the vector graphics package

The goal is to bring the vector graphics package directly into the Unity codebase so that it can use the same internal antialiased tessellation methods. This work is underway, but it’s too early to tell in which Unity version this will be released, unfortunately.

Ok, thanks for the info, is there any prototype implementation or package I could access just to take a look at the new tessellation? Packages have made Unity so much easier and open to work in, it would be a shame if there was internal improvements to a current package that we couldn’t at least play around with… I take full responsibility for busting my whole game!

Ha ha ha! :slight_smile: We had a prototype but it required a custom Unity Editor build to work, this isn’t something we can share unfortunately.