New to 2D lighting

Good Monday, I am just starting out in the space of making my 2d game levels and sprites look decently lit.

I’ve never taken lightning into consideration and have no idea where to begin.

My levels consist of art pieces that are normal png images from photoshop and placed into the environment cut up and layered. Will I be able to go back after all the art is finished for the game and add, I guess, normal maps (not sure what or how that is) to get some shadow/lightning authenticity? What processes do I need to learn?

I want the game to look good like this (taken from

Thanks for your tips and help.

2D games challenge about art skills. You just need some drawing skills:

  • Seamless images texturing. (Multi tiling purpose would be great.)
  • Smooth light gradient drawing. (Assign as overlay for lighting effects.)
  • Sprite sheet animation. (Draw per frame or use some software to create.)

Normal map is optional. It’s generally for 3D perspective purpose.
If you didn’t move light or camera around you will hard to realize it in fixed angle.
Hope this helps. Look forwards to see you create some environments.

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