I am pretty new to using Unity and C#. I am currently trying to make a 3D game with an NPC which goes around the map and if it gets close to the player it will approach him. I have done some code which moves the NPC (Slender, I am trying to make a game like slender for practice) but I am not sure if it is the best way to go about moving it. At the moment it uses “moveTowards” to go to different points on the map which I placed gameObjects at. Can I get any feedback on it or ways to improve? Also any help with moving the NPC towards the player if the player is at a certain range would be appreciated!
Current Code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class SlenderAI : MonoBehaviour {
//Setting gameobjects in order to determine position in code
public GameObject Pos1;
public GameObject Pos2;
public GameObject Pos3;
public GameObject Pos4;
public GameObject Pos5;
//Setting float, int, string and array for use in code.
public float speed = 4.0f;
private int moving = 0;
private string goingTo = "";
private string[] posList = new string[] { "Pos1", "Pos2", "Pos3", "Pos4", "Pos5" };
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//whatPos = Random string in "posList"
var whatPos = posList [Random.Range (0, posList.Length - 1)];
//If slender not moving
if (moving == 0) {
Debug.Log ("Moving = 0");
//If random position is pos 1, set goingTo to Pos1 and moving to false
if (whatPos == "Pos1") {
goingTo = "Pos1";
moving = 1;
if (whatPos == "Pos2") {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos2.transform.position, speed);
goingTo = "Pos2";
moving = 1;
if (whatPos == "Pos3") {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos3.transform.position, speed);
goingTo = "Pos3";
moving = 1;
if (whatPos == "Pos4") {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos4.transform.position, speed);
goingTo = "Pos4";
moving = 1;
if (whatPos == "Pos5") {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos5.transform.position, speed);
goingTo = "Pos5";
moving = 1;
//If slender isn't already going to a pos
if (goingTo != null) {
//If slender is supost to be going to position1
if (goingTo == "Pos1") {
//if slender is at position 1
if (transform.position == Pos1.transform.position) {
//Set slender to going nowhere and not moving
goingTo = null;
moving = 0;
//else slender isn't at pos1 but is supost to be, so move him to Pos1
} else {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos1.transform.position, speed);
if (goingTo == "Pos2") {
if (transform.position == Pos2.transform.position) {
goingTo = null;
moving = 0;
} else {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos2.transform.position, speed);
if (goingTo == "Pos3") {
if (transform.position == Pos3.transform.position) {
goingTo = null;
moving = 0;
} else {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos3.transform.position, speed);
if (goingTo == "Pos4") {
if (transform.position == Pos4.transform.position) {
goingTo = null;
moving = 0;
} else {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos4.transform.position, speed);
if (goingTo == "Pos5") {
if (transform.position == Pos5.transform.position) {
goingTo = null;
moving = 0;
} else {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, Pos5.transform.position, speed);
//if close to player, move towards player.
//force camera to look at Slender
//Activate jumpscare sound
//-1 life