New to Programming and i Need guides !

Hey guys, My name Is Wisam and i’m mainly a 3D artist with texturing skills.
I’ve got a what i think is a simple game idea that i want to realise.

I’ve always looked up to programmers and i wanted to finally start doing some myself.
But to start with it even though it’s simple is going to be hard with no skills. My friend suggested me to start of with something like tetris or pong, which i cannot argue with. But maybe you guys can point me into the right direction!

Best of regards!

thank you! let’s see what i can do and if i understand it! haha

youtube is your best teacher.
Some great channels:

He is doing some more advanced tutorials, so i recommend you to check it out after you learn something:)

btw. Tetris is definitely not a simple to make game, only the idea and gameplay is easy:smile:

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if you have no programming background, I would advice you to learn the fundamentals first before diving into writing any game.

Make sure you master the following concepts (in increasing difficulty order):

variable and type, assignation, basic arithmetic operations, Boolean logic, if-then-else branching, for loop, while loop, switch, function/procedure.

Once those are acquired, move on to Object Oriented Programming: class/object, method, inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism. (Though, you don’t need advanced OOP to use Unity).

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EricBegue: I thank you and i’ll start right away!

You’re welcome.

Success on your journey to become a progammer!