Hi, i am a Tuner and a Dynoshop owner, however this is mostly a dinosaur business and i want to make it available for newcomers and beginners to try out and learn the basics on how to tune an engine and how to run a dyno.
Sure thing real life is the best but not always the safest option.
I have decided to try and create something that is widely available for everyone and something that will be side project in the beginning, however i do not really know where to start.
the Requirements are the following:
Fuelmodel: Volumetric Efficiency
Engine Dyno, Hub Dyno, Chassi dyno,
Might build the engine management system model accordign to Open source projects.
Torque and Horsepower calculations.
I know it won’t be easy to recreate the internals but a rudimentary model for engine power can be used depending on a variety of variables.
i hope someone would love to help out with this.