new to Unity 3D

Hello. I’m new to Unity 3D. I know the Indie version is their lowest package offer, however I want to make a game with multiplayer support. Under the Unity Pro version, I notice it says something like “with Asset Server client license”. Do I need to buy that in order to have online multiplayer? If so, then that means I need to absolutely buy the Pro version??

The Pro version is definately out of my price range. I’m currently a poor college student working only part time. I wish there was some kind of payment plan or another way I can afford the package. I’ve just downloaded the demo version and will start on playing around with it tommorrow. If I like it, I might buy the Indie version.

If I do buy the Indie version, I wonder if I could buy additional specific upgrades individually as needed, rather than buy the entire Pro version???

I forgot to ask, the Unity software only works for Machintosh computers only right?

No, the asset server is for collaborating with others on a Unity project. You need Pro to do full networking though.

If you upgrade from Indie to Pro you only have to pay the price difference. Indie/Pro are the only two options though.

At the moment, but 2.5 will run on Windows.


Are you sure? It’s not mentioned on the comparison page.

But yes, multiplayer networking doesn’t have anything to do with the asset server.

Oops, was thinking of Unity iPhone Advanced…


Are you sure 2.5 will run on Windows? It doesn’t say what version is out yet, because it just says 2.x on the store page, but under Unity Indie Unity Pro itself, it doesn’t specify what version it is.

I hope Unity comes out with a Windows version of the actual Authoring Tool. I forgot this program only works for Macs. I’ll have to save enough money to buy an iMac as well.

Did anyone happen to be able to run the actual Unity Authoring tool on a PC using VMware or an emulator without any lag or hiccups?

The Unity 2.5 authoring tools will be for both windows and mac. Currently (at 2.2) the authoring tools are mac only. 2.5 will be a free upgrade and the license is not platform specific. Meaning if you bought today and used it in mac os you could then switch to using unity under windows when 2.5 comes out without any additional costs.

Indie Does include full networking support.
The Indie level iphone publishing doesn’t, but that has nothing to do with publishing to computers.

The big limitation for indie right now is you can’t publish a standalone for windows, just webplayers. This’ll change when 2.5 comes out. Supposedly you’ll be able to publish to windows with indie, but there’ll be a splash screen.

2.5 is coming out sometime next year(2009), no specific date has been set.