New to Unity, making ui text files larger as more text is given?

I know what the problem is, I just don’t know how to fix it.

I used this tutorial here to determine how it all works:

I’m currently using a panel, with a text UI and vertical scrollbar.

But I’m stumbling on a problem. The text will scroll ONLY if I declare the size of the text ahead of time and the height seems to be a static property. How do I get the height property of the text to dynamically expand as more text is given so I can properly scroll through text?

Last time I checked this was not supported by the Unity.UI however I made some code to get the height of some text by reimplementing the text class in my own project ( decompiled hte Unity assembly and copy/paste into my own project ) then in the function where the Quads for the text is generated you can read the height of the generated text.